How to write a literature review for a business plan - Planning your literature review
Why should you write a Business Plan? product literature, “A More Rational Approach to New Product Development,” Harvard Business Review.
How to write your literature review
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As it is one of the most difficult literature papers, writers usually need to receive how and clear plans to communicate with a customer.
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Writers teach literature, painters teach fine arts. There are websites buying, selling, and collecting art. You can be as creative with the business model as you are with your art.
Stand-up comedy is a tough career, I hear, but there are people getting around the gatekeepers using YouTube and downloads. One of my personal favorite artist-with-a-plan stories is the story of Paul Anthony and Rumblefish.

He was a talented musician—a business who built a plan around selling music rights for films and ads. He started from his dorm room how the University apa interview research paper Oregon in ; he sold his company, Rumblefish. Eventually, you settle in on how you write to make money. Figure out where you are going to concentrate for literature efforts.
It could be as simple as what kind of work you sell, to whom, through what channels. Or it review be what kind of performance, and how you reach the gatekeepers. Think about what makes you different, who will buy from you, and what you sell to them.

With strategy set, you need tactics to execute. Tactics are decisions you make about pricing, channels, websites, social media, managers, agents, stores, overhead, allies, and so forth.

Make sure your tactics match your strategy. If not, strategy and tactics can be as easy as a few bullet points you set down and keep track of. Just include what you need, and will use. It might be your first gig; your first painting sold; your first painting available through some website; your first YouTube video posted, or the th; or maybe reaching likes or 1, followers; or getting on the Jimmy Fallon show.
Try to spell it out, though, so you can aim for it and work toward it. The metrics help you track progress.

Units sold, gigs, unique visitors, conversion rates, viewers, likes, follows—avoid having a plan full of generalities only. Keep it concrete and specific so you can use it to guide yourself and optimize your business. For more on that, read Milestones Make Your Business Plan a Real Plan.
For a personal view of metrics, with some suggestions, read my post on my blog here at Bplans: Magic of Metrics, Tyranny of Metrics. A simple sales forecast can be extremely helpful for your business later, as you track actual results, compare them to the forecast, and analyze the difference. Where were you off? You can do it, and it will help you succeed. Consider this previous post:.

Do a spending budget linked to the sales forecast. A lot of your spending—marketing activities, for example—ought to have a direct connection with the projected sales that will result. For more on that, try my recent post on my blog here at Bplans: How to Do a Spending Budget. And, most important, plan your cash flow. Make sure you have enough cash in the bank to pay your rent and other bills.
Having enough sales is a critical first step, managing spending is next, and then make sure you have the full cash flow including things like loan repayment, buying inventory, and supplies. For more on cash flow, try this post: How to Forecast Cash Flow. Expect your plan to change often. I call it P-R-R-R, as in the illustration here on the right.
Use it like a dashboard, a tool for checking your progress against goals, for tracking results, and doing regular course corrections.

Think of it as a business navigation system, which includes destination, route, and—with regular review and revisions—real-time information to adjust the route as you go. If you need to add descriptions and summaries for outsiders later, then you add those when you need them.
Let your plan start with the essentials strategy, tactics, milestones, metrics, and essential projections and grow organically from that point. This was an excellent read! As an artist and starting out my business, I find that managing finances are very intimidating. How to form a research paper thesis statement you provided great tools and insight.

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