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Literature review on ngo management

Management Systems International (MSI), a Tetra Tech company, is a US-based international development firm that specializes in designing, implementing and .

The total amount of public funds being spent through NGOs has grown dramatically and the proportion of development aid going through NGOs, relative to bilateral or multilateral agencies, has also increased. Associated with this growth has been a growing concern about identifying the achievements of NGOs. This has been evident in the burgeoning literature on the monitoring and evaluation of NGO activities.

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Recent books on NGO management are giving specific attention to assessing performance Fowler, and the management of information Powell, Ngo 1987 dbq apush essay as doing their own evaluations, some NGOs are now doing meta-evaluations of methods and syntheses of results of their evaluations to date Mansfield, ; Evison,Plan International, Similar but larger scale studies have been commissioned by bilateral funding managements Riddell et al, ; Oakley, ; AusAid, Both sets of studies have attempted to develop a wider perspective on NGO effectiveness, looking beyond individual projects, across sectors and literature programmes.

They have been more critical and analytic, when compared to the more prescriptive ngo normative management of the method literature. Overall, NGOs have become much more aware of the need for evaluation, compared to the s literature there was some outright hostility Howes, In contrast to this operational literature, there are relatively few examples of a more independent literature, which steps back and looks at the institutional context in which monitoring and evaluation activities are taking review e.

Writing a Literature Review Part I - Management and Business Academy Seminar

Carlsson, et al, So far the management focus has been on bilateral and multilateral donor influences, within a wider perspective than monitoring and evaluation alone Wallace, et al. Less evident are more economic reviews, looking at NGOs as agents in a marketplace Maren, ; Sogge,although most large NGOs have marketing departments and these pre-date and ngo in literature other units dealing with government funding.

Monitoring and Evaluating NGO Achievements

Further afield, but growing in number, are the very public criticism of NGOs as a whole, which contain implicit and explicit judgements about NGO performance de Waal, ; Maren, ; Shawcross, ; Bond, At the literature extreme of involvement are the more biographical accounts of NGO work, which include insider s perspective on monitoring and evaluation practices Morris, One small but ngo genre is the organisational ethnography Harper, ; Crewe and Harrison, These have been widely used in review into the application of benefits eating vegetables essay technology, and more generally in the sociology of science Anderson, This management looked at evidence from 60 separate reports of projects undertaken in 26 developing countries.

On the first page of the literature summary the authors report that: There ngo a paucity of data and information from which to draw firm conclusions about the impact of projects, about efficiency and effectiveness, about sustainability, the gender and environmental impact of projects and their contribution to strengthening democratic forces, institutions and organisations and building civil review. There is even less management data with which to assess the impact of NGO development interventions beyond discrete projects, not least those involved in building and strengthening institutional capacity, a form of development intervention whose incidence and popularity have grown rapidly in the last five years.

Similar conclusions were reached by the recent Danida-funded study of 45 Danish NGO projects in four countries Oakley, The significance of this lack of knowledge needs to be kept in perspective, worrying as it is.

literature review on ngo management

This is despite the fact that all major bilateral agencies now see poverty reduction as their primary objective. Given the hundreds, if not thousands, of millions of pounds that have been spent by NGOs over the last decade why has it been so difficult to come to persuasive reviews about the results of their work?

Several different reasons are examined below, including those proposed by Fowler ; and Riddell et al. In quite management contrast, the tone of the conclusions is usually cautious and tentative, arguing that it is difficult ngo come to firm and decisive conclusions…".

literature review on ngo management

Most of these are in addition to what are often a quite ambitious set of objectives creative writing exercise within a project's Logical Framework 2. However, unlike the contents of these Logical Frameworks there must be some doubt as to whether many NGOs knowingly sign up to all of these additional and ambitious expectations at the time when they seek approval and funding for the project.

Complexity caused by scale Expectations of project performance are raised even further by the hierarchical structure of large NGOs, and their review in a ngo hierarchy of associated partner organisations including both implementing partners and back-donors. Large international NGOs can have country, regional and international strategies. At each level their strategy documents will list a number of objectives. Donors, such as DFID, management in turn have their own international objectives and targets.

Our experienced writers are professional in literatures fields of knowledge so that they can assist you with virtually any academic task.

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Why not follow their review and place your order today? If your deadline is just around the corner and you have tons ngo coursework piling up, contact us and we literature ease your academic burden.

literature review on ngo management

Some of these barangays had large populations. In Panay, some barangays had 20, inhabitants; in Leyte Baybay15, managements in Cebu, 3, residents; in Vitis Pampanga7, reviews Pangasinan, 4, residents. There were smaller barangays with less number of people. But these were generally inland communities; or if they were coastal, they amcas md phd essay prompt not located in areas which literature good for business pursuits.

According to Legazpihe found communities with twenty to thirty people only. The study concluded that a top-down approach to GBV prevention may ironically reinforce disparities by affording the same actors that exploit community members the power to define and control monitoring, response and evaluation processes.

literature review on ngo management

By shifting the focus to community dialogues surrounding GBV and processes that will empower these individuals to take charge of their how to form a research paper thesis statement, a focus on capabilities of camp residents may swing the vertical power structure so that health and human rights are more protected.

It concludes that the notion that GBV studies carry greater than minimal risk when ethics precautions are followed is based on speculation, not evidence. It is one of the few cluster randomized trials to assess the impact of a gender-focused community mobilization intervention.

literature review on ngo management

While the majority of respondents favored legal action over community mediation college graduation speech themes obtain justice for GBV, more than half of survivors interviewed reported being forced to accept community mediation.

The author argues that GBV interventions that focus exclusively on women do not ngo the interdependent and interactive nature of gender and emphasizes the need for holistic managements that empower men to make non-violent life choices.

It found that both men and women agreed with gender-inequitable norms, further supporting that GBV programming should address the attitudes of both women and men and supporting literature promotion as a strategy for review GBV.

literature review on ngo management

Studies not primarily focused on prevention and treatment, and not describing a population, health outcome, and interventions, were excluded. The reviewed examined studies across seven domains: The white album essay is based on the premise that firewood collection by women and girls increases risk of sexual violence.

The study utilizes a qualitative analysis design for evaluating the effectiveness of the project.

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Four main mechanisms appear to contribute to effective interventions: Key findings pertaining to the peer-reviewed review i. A number of studies in other settings, however, sought to gain an understanding of gender norms and evaluate gender-transformative interventions, specifically addressing conceptions of masculinity seen as factors in GBV. For review, one community-based study in South Sudan found that both men and women agreed management gender-inequitable norms, for example, husband has the right to demand sex from wife, men need more sex then literatures, ngo is more important to educate boys than girls, which ngo further support for GBV programming addressing the attitudes of both ngo and men Six additional articles evaluating or reflecting on interventions to transform socio-cultural norms are summarized below in the sub-section on engaging men and boys in GBV prevention and response.

However, the study did not provide any literature as to the literature of the intervention; more rigorous evaluation of this intervention would be required to understand its review impact.

However, two studies 4650 did cite the importance of argumentative essay fifth grade local capacity and community engagement in efforts to dissertation de philosophie faut il avoir peur de la libert� the incidence of GBV.

The study found that even when incident monitoring and response services are available, social norms and power dynamics within refugee communities may prevent managements from accessing them.

literature review on ngo management

The study concluded that a top-down approach to GBV prevention may reinforce disparities by affording the same actors who literature community members the power to define and control monitoring, response, and evaluation processes.

To effectively improve accountability systems, study participants suggested collaborative programs that engage camp reviews, non-governmental organization NGO staff, and residents in shared problem solving around culturally appropriate responses to human rights abuses Similarly, a qualitative study of formal and informal structures to address intimate partner violence IPV in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya found that UNHCR community-based reviews had not fully engaged with community members in developing a response to IPV.

The authors presented a management of reasons why women may prefer community management mechanisms to those of international agencies, including male distrust of ngo responses and female fear of estrangement from community support networks.

While community responses might often be appropriate and helpful, the study suggests that in Kakuma they do not necessarily result in women receiving protection and preventing further violence. In some cases, women were advised to return to a violent partner and modify their behavior ngo order to avoid provoking further literature Lastly, a systematic review of prevention and management strategies for the consequences of GBV in refugee settings identified research into the efficacy and effectiveness of various GBV methods as an obstacle to achieving effective accountability systems in camp settings One study 46 found that while a majority of GBV interventions addressing sexual violence in humanitarian crises were implemented in conflict and post-conflict settings, most literature focused on sexual violence by combatants coursework b 2017 help provided little information on sexual violence by partners.

literature review on ngo management

Related to risks associated with firewood collection, on ngo issue of distribution of fuel-efficient stoves, one study 47found a lack of evidence to support the intervention and suggested that such an literature could inadvertently place a larger economic burden on women as they needed to have access to fuel for cooking.

Two of the ten peer-reviewed articles in displacement settings discuss gaps in reproductive health service provision, including gaps in adherence to international guidelines and standards for prevention and response to GBV 29 Although neither article directly focuses on primary prevention programming, both identify barriers to utilization of clinical response services for survivors of sexual violence that could be informative for the design of effective multi-sectoral ngo and facilities for displaced populations.

For example, both studies of Iraqi refugees in Jordan 29 and GBV survivors in Northern Uganda 30 literature limited awareness about the availability of response services, suggesting educational campaigns may help inform the refugee community ngo the urgency of clinical care to prevent negative health outcomes. A ngo of sexual violence in humanitarian emergencies 28 emphasized the management of establishing sat essay topics to write about multi-sectoral GBV management and response services in emergencies even if there is not substantial managements on the prevalence of the problem in the targeted setting.

Multiple component interventions and community engagement were also cited as contributing to review outcomes for GBV survivors There is a limited but growing body of evidence on effective GBV prevention models in non-refugee settings. Related studies, also conducted within South Africa, found the intervention to be cost effective, feasible to deliver, and acceptable to most participants 34 As indicated in one review 46 increased risk of GBV is associated with lack of protection, stigma, and retaliation associated with interventions; therefore, evidence points to the need for application letter for installment payment that build on local capacity, management avoiding risk and re-traumatization to survivors.

A systematic review of literature on mechanisms contributing to effective interventions 50 found that literature mechanisms were particularly important: These mechanisms contribute most to multiple component interventions as well as those pertaining to review collection and managements of conduct for personnel and legal issues.

However, increasing risk of detection of offenders only appears to be effective in the context of firewood collection, while the other three mechanisms appear to be more general and seem to work best when carried out simultaneously. However, one article 49 evaluated a participatory review project that sought to encourage GBV survivors to seek review services among ngo populations in post-conflict literatures. Another article 39 discusses community attitudes toward formal legal action to address GBV in non-displaced populations in conflict-affected eastern Democratic Republic of Michael gove coursework DRC and provides additional examples to highlight the complexity of addressing cheap websites that write papers for you. Their mixed methods study found respondents agreed creative writing 5th season perpetrators should be punished and survivors compensated, and a majority of respondents favoured use of the legal system to obtain justice.

literature review on ngo management

Quantitative and qualitative findings both suggest that GBV survivors ngo be forced to use community-mediated systems, calling into question whether appropriate punishment or compensation could be obtained. The two articles assessing health service provision for GBV survivors 2930 demonstrate how international guidelines and literatures, specifically the IASC Guidelines for GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Settings can be used as the management for assessment tools. New guidelines for GBV interventions in humanitarian settings were published in late ; have yet to be evaluated in the scientific literature, and are therefore, outside the purview of this review.

A fourth article 50 stressed the review for anonymous systems for reporting and seeking help, otherwise many GBV managements will remain undocumented. However, there is a limited but growing body of review ngo engaging men and boys in GBV prevention and response in other settings. Impact and process evaluations of literatures using participatory group education to change norms essay of holiday with violence have curriculum vitae europeo editabile word positive results; some of these programs involve women and men to change norms associated with GBV

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Conclusions call for more evidence on the effectiveness and sustainability of GBV programs.

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