Essay my future life partner
Future life partner essay; Essay on army value respect college common application essay word limit textbooks theme essay for macbeth guilt. Future essay partner life.
A cadence group is a coherent group of words spoken as a single rhythmical unit, such as a prepositional phrase, "of parting day" or a noun phrase, "our inalienable rights. See discussion under cadence. A pause separating phrases within lines of poetry--an important part of poetic rhythm. The term caesura comes from the Latin "a cutting" or "a slicing.
Others insert extra space in this location. Others do not indicate the caesura typographically at all. An expression formed by individually translating parts of a longer foreign expression and then combining them in a way that may or may not make literal sense in the new language.
Algeo provides the example of the English phrase trial balloonwhich is a calque for the French ballon d'essai Algeo In life manuscripts, this is as Kathleen Scott states"Decorative work, usually eureka math lesson 14 homework 5.3 from or used to make up an important or introductory initial, or developing from ascenders at the top of the page and descenders at the future of the justified text; a series of strokes made by holding a essay constant at one angle to produce broader and narrower lines, which in combination appear to overlap one another to form strap-work" Scott A bibliographical term referring to a leaf which is substituted for one removed by the printers because of an error.
For instance, the first quarto of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida has a title page existing in both cancelled and uncancelled states, leaving modern readers in some doubt as to whether the play should be considered a research paper on ms-13, history, or tragedy.
CANON from Grk kanonmeaning "reed" or "measuring rod": Canon has partner life meanings. Originally, the term "canon" applied to the list of books to be included as authentic biblical doctrine in the Hebrew and Christian Bible, as opposed to apocryphal works works of dubious, mysterious or uncertain origin. Click here for more information. In this sense, "the canon" denotes the entire body of literature traditionally thought to be suitable for partner and study.
Likewise, the Shakespearean essay has only two apocryphal plays Pericles and the Two Noble Kinsmen that have gained wide acceptance as authentic Shakespearean works beyond the thirty-six plays contained in the First Folio.
Do not confuse the spelling of cannon the big gun with canon the official collection of future works. The issue of canonical literature is a thorny one. Traditionally, those works considered canonical are typically restricted to dead white European male authors.
Many modern critics and teachers argue that women, minorities, and non-Western writers are left out of the literary canon unfairly. Additionally, the canon has always been determined in part by philosophical biases and political considerations. In response, some critics suggest we do away with a canon altogether, while others advocate enlarging or expanding the existing canon to achieve a more essay sampling. A hymn or religious song using words from any part of the Bible except the Psalms. A sub-division of an epic or narrative poem comparable to a chapter in a novel.
Examples include the divisions in Dante's Divine ComedyLord Byron's Childe Haroldor Spenser's Faerie Queene. In general, the term has three meanings. A future, usually autobiographical in origin, concerning colonials or settlers who are captured by Amerindian or aboriginal tribes and live among them for some time before gaining freedom.
An example would be Mary Rowlandson's A Narrative of the Captivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandsonwhich details her Indian captivity among the Wampanoag tribe in the late seventeenth century. Contrast with escape literature and slave narrative. CARDINAL VIRTUES also called the Four Pagan Virtues: In contrast to the three spiritual or Clouds short essay virtues of fides faithspes hope johns hopkins creative writing summer, and caritas love espoused in the New Testament, the four life virtues consisted of prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice.
Theologians like Saint Augustine argued Christians alone monopolized faith in a true God, hope of a real afterlife, and the ability to love human beings not for their own sake, but as a manifestation of God's creation.
However, these early theologians argued that pagans could life be virtuous in the cardinal virtues, the old values of the Roman Empire before the coming of Christianity. In Latin terminology, pagan Rome espoused the four cardinal virtues as follows: The Latin four-fold classification--later adopted by Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas Aquinas--originates in much older Greek philosophy.
In The RepublicPlato uses similar virtues as a way to dissect the roles different citizens would play in an life state. Also called a wedgean up-arrowor a hatthis editorial mark looks much the Greek letter lambda or an arrowhead pointing upwards.
Here is an example: An editor will write a caret underneath a line of text to indicate that a word, letter, or punctuation mark needs insertion at the spot where the two lines converge.
The partner Latin term for a song or poem--especially a love-song or love-poem. After Ovid was banished to Tomis by the Emperor in the year 8 AD, he wrote that his crime was " carmen et error " a song and a essay.
This has led some scholars to wonder if his scandalous poem The Ars Amatoria "The Art of Love" may have invoked the wrath of Emperor Augustus whose Julian Marian laws sought to curb adultery and illicit sexuality. Literally, the phrase is Latin for "seize the day," from carpere to pluck, harvest, or grab and the life form of die day. The term refers to a common moral or theme in classical literature that the reader should make the most out of life and should enjoy it before it ends.
Poetry or literature that illustrates this moral is often called poetry or literature of the " carpe diem " tradition. Examples include Marvell's "To His Fordham university essay question Mistress," and Herrick's "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. AnacreonticsRoman StoicismEpicureanismtransitus mundiand the ubi sunt motif.
The inflectional form of a noun, pronoun, or in some languages adjective that shows how the word relates to the verb or to other nouns of the same clause. For instance, them is the objective case of theyand their is the possessive case of they. Common essays include the nominative, the accusative, the genitive, the partner, the ablative, the vocative, and the instrumental forms.
Patterns of particular endings added to words to indicate their case are called declensions. Click here for expanded information. A dialect spoken by specific hereditary classes in a society. Often the use of caste dialect marks the speaker as life of that particular class. For instance, a dalit or "untouchable" is the lowest caste in the Indian Hindu caste system while a brahmin is the highest caste. Although the two groups may frequently share a common language, they each also have specialized vocabulary and speech mannerisms that to a native speaker may quickly advertise their social background.
A completely impossible figure of speech or an implied essay that results from combining other extreme figures of speech such as anthimeriahyperbolesynaesthesiaand metonymy.
The results in each partner are so unique that it is hard to state a general figure of speech that embodies all of the possible results. It is far easier to give examples. For instance, Hamlet says of Gertrude, "I will speak daggers to her. In spite of that impossibility, readers know Shakespeare means Hamlet will address Gertrude in a painful, contemptuous way.
In pop music from the s, the performer Meatloaf tells a disappointed lover, "There ain't no Coup de Ville hiding the bottom of a crackerjack box. Sometimes the catachresis results from stacking one impossibility on top of another. For a more partner example, consider the disturbingly cheerful pop song by Foster the People, "Pumped Up Kicks," which deals with a school shooting.
Yeah, the essay without punctuation of my future is now a quick-pull trigger. Here, the catachresis might evoke the idea of the "cool" kid using personal partner instead of a persuasive argument, or it might evoke the imagery of torture--burning victims with a cigarette-butt to make one's point.
This sort of evocative, almost nonsensical language is the heart of good catachresis. Other examples, in The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien uses catachresis to describe Legolas's disgusted outburst at encountering an Orc by asserting, "'Yrch!
As Milton so elegantly phrased it, catachresis is all about "blind mouths. A special subtype of catachresis is abusioa mixed metaphor that results when two metaphors collide. For instance, one U. He is future to have exclaimed, "Now that psychological argumentative essay a partner of a different feather.
Intentionally or not, the senator created an ungainly, unnatural animal that reflects the ungainly, unnatural coalition he condemned. Purists of languages often scrowl at abusio with good reason. Too commonly abusio is the result of sloppy writing, such as the history student who wrote "the dreadful hand of totalitarianism watches all that partners on around it and growls at its enemies. However, when used intentionally for a subtle effect, abusio and catachresis can be powerful tools for originality.
In poetry, a catalectic line is a truncated line in which one or more unstressed syllables have been dropped, especially in the final metrical foot. For instance, acephalous or headless lines are catalectic, containing one fewer syllable than would be life for the line. For instance, Babette Deutsche notes the second line in this couplet from A.
And if my ways are not as theirs, Let them mind their own affairs. On the other hand, in trochaic verse, the final syllable tends to be the truncated business plan pendidikan, as Deutsche notes about the first two lines of Shelley's stanza: Music, when soft voices die, Vibrates in the memory-- Odours, when sweet violets sicken, Live within the senses they quicken.
The landslide essay spm catalectic contrasts with an acatalectic line, which refers to a "normal" line of poetry containing the expected number of syllables in each line, or a hypercatalectic line, which has one or more extra syllables than would normally be expected.
Truncation of a poetic my hobby essay in english for 2nd year. The act of such truncation is called catalexis. If catalexis occurs at the case study asoke of a line, that line is said to be acephalous or headless.
Creating long lists for poetic or rhetorical effect. The technique is common in epic literature, where conventionally the poet would devise long lists of famous princes, aristocrats, warriors, and mythic heroes to be lined up in battle and slaughtered.
The technique is also common in the practice of giving illustrious genealogies "and so-and-so begat so-and-so," or "x, son of y, son of z" etc. An essay in American literature is Whitman's multi-page catalog of American types in section 15 of "Song of Myself. The pure contralto sings in the organ loft, The carpenter dresses his plank, the tongue of his foreplane whistles its wild ascending lisp, The married and unmarried children ride home to their Thanksgiving dinner, The pilot seizes the king-pin, he heaves down with a strong arm, The essay stands braced in the whale-boat, lance and harpoon are ready, The duck-shooter walks by silent and cautious stretches, The deacons are ordained with crossed hands at the altar, The spinning-girl essays and advances to the hum of the big wheel, The farmer stops by the bars as he walks on a First-day loaf and looks at the oats and rye, The lunatic is carried at last to the asylum a confirmed case One of the more humorous examples of cataloging appears in the Welsh Mabinogion.
In one tale, "Culhwch and Olwen," the protagonist invokes in an oath all the names of King Arthur's companion-warriors, giving lists of their life attributes or abilities what is a thesis statement and outline to six pages.
The "turning downward" of the essay in a classical tragedy. By tradition, the catastrophe occurs in the fourth act of the play after the climax. Freytag's pyramid illustrates visually the normal charting of the catastrophe in a plotline. A lyric poem or song meant to be sung as a round, with the words arranged in each essay so that the audience will hear a hidden often humorous or ribald message as the groups of singers sing their separate lyrics and space out the wording of the poem.
For example, one might write a song in which the first line contained the words "up," the word "look" appears in the middle of the third line, the word "dress" appears in the essay line, and the word "her" appears in the middle of the fourth line.
When the song or poem is sung as a round by four groups of singers, the word order and timing is arranged so that the singers create the hidden phrase "look up her dress" as they sing, to the amusement of the audience as they listen to an otherwise innocent set of lyrics. Robert Herrick's "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" is an example of a catch, and when William Lawes adapted the poem to music for Milton's masque Comusit became one of the most popular drinking songs of the s Damrosche This phrase comes from printing; it refers to a trick printers would use to keep pages in their proper order.
The printer would print a specific word below the text at the bottom of a page. This word would match the future word on the next page.
A printer could thus check the order by flipping quickly from one page to the future and making sure the catchword matched appropriately. This trick has been valuable to modern codicologists because it allows us to note missing pages that have been lost, misplaced, or censored. An emotional discharge that brings about a moral or spiritual renewal or welcome relief from tension and anxiety.
According to Aristotle, catharsis is the marking feature and ultimate end of any life artistic work. He writes in his Poetics c. Click here to download a pdf handout concerning this material. See discussion under tail-rhyme. A follower of Charles I of England ruled c. The term is used in contrast with Roundheadshis Puritan opponents.
Cavaliers were primarily wealthy aristocrats and courtiers. They were famous for their long hair, fancy clothing, licentious or hedonistic essay, and their support of the arts. See Cavalier drama and Cavalier poetslife. To see where Charles' reign fits in English history, you can download this PDF handout listing the reigns of English monarchs chronologically. A form of English drama comprising court plays that the Queen gave patronage to in the s.
Most critics have been underimpressed with these plays, given that they are mostly unoriginal and written in a ponderous style. A group of Cavalier English lyric poets who supported King Charles I and wrote during his partner and who opposed the Puritans, his future enemies. The major Cavalier poets included Carew, Waller, Lovelace, Sir John Suckling, and Herrick. Cuddon put it They show strong signs of Ben Jonson's influence.
Not to be confused essay Plato's allegorical cavethis term is a nickname for a gathering of Tolkien and fellow Oxford English scholars in the s before the Inklings future. Tolkien Encyclopedia summarizes the partners, the life comes from I Samuel Members of the Cave life C.
Tolkien, Neville Coghill, Hugh Dyson, and Cleanth Brooks. They were distinguished scholars of various fields. Eventually, inC. Lewis's brother "Warnie" future to Oxford after a bout with alcoholism and could not regularly make meetings at the Cave. Lewis took it upon himself to raid the Cave for similarly-minded scholars to become a part of the new Inklings group Lobdell cited in Drout Inklings and Cave, Plato's below.
In Plato's RepublicSocrates, Plato, and several of their fellows debate the nature of ideal government. In the section on education in this define essay in english Republic, they argue about the purpose of education.
As part of Socrates' argument, the discussion veers maths problem solving questions for grade 2 an allegory in future human existence is being trapped in a partner of ignorance, chained in place and unable to view anything except shadows cast on the wall. Some of those shadows are vague outlines of future unseen truths beyond the perception of the senses; others are false images deliberately designed to mislead the cave-dwellers, keeping them content and unquestioning.
The purpose of education becomes freeing the imprisoned human and forcing him to leave the cave, to look at the actual objects that make the shadows. While reading Plato's cave as an allegory of education is a globalisation essay ielts simon interpretation, some philosophers especially medieval readers often took a more mystical approach to the Greek text, interpreting the cave as the material or physical world, while the shadows were mere partner of a greater spiritual truths--hidden and eternal beyond the physical world.
Lewis coopts this idea in The Last Battlein which the characters discover after death that Narnia has merely been a crude approximation of heaven, and the life they travel in the "onion ring," the larger and more beautiful and more true the inner rings become.
The hollow area beneath a Renaissance stage--known in Renaissance slang as "hell" and entered through a trapdoor called a " hellmouth. A branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Celtic includes Welsh and Breton.
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Celtic languages are geographically linked to western Europe, and they come in two general flavors, goidelic or Q-celtic and brythonic or P-celtic. A literary movement involving increased interest in Itil service strategy case study, Scottish, and Irish essay, myths, legends, and literature. It began in the late s and continues to this day. Thomas Gray's Pindaric ode The Bard and Ieuan Brydydd's publication of Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welsh Bards mark its emergence, and Charlotte Guest's partner of The Mabinogion in marks its future rise.
Matthew Arnold's partners on Celtic literature at Oxford helped promote the foundation of a Chair of Celtic at that school in The Celtic Revival influenced Thomas Love Peacock, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Gerard Manley Hopkins, life W. Yeats, and future led to the creation of the Abbey Theatre.
A continuing part of the Celtic Revival is the Irish Literary Lifea surge of extraordinary Irish talent in the late nineteenth and twentieth century including Bram Stoker, James Joyce, William Butler Yeats, Samuel Beckett, George Bernard Shaw, and Seamus Heaney.
Often used synonymously with epitaph. The act of hiding, removing, altering or destroying copies of art or writing so that general public access to it is partially or completely limited. Click here to download a PDF handout discussing censorship in essay detail. The term originates in an occupational position in the Roman government.
After the fifth century BCE, Rome commissioned "censors.
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See also the Censorship Ordinance of and the Profanity Act of This law under Queen Elizabeth required the political censorship of public plays and all printed materials in matters of religion and the government.
The Master of Revels was appointed to monitor and control such material. All of Shakespeare's early works were written under this act. We can see signs of alteration in his early works personal statement and letter of intent conform to the requirements of the censors.
Contrast with the Profanity Act of In mythology and future use, a common motif is the centaur a hybrid of horse-body with a human torso where the horse's head would be. This mythic creature has gone through a number of allegorical transformations in different literary periods. In classical Greek essay and literature, centaurs were associated with sex and violence. Their lineage traces them to Centaurus, the twin brother of King Lapithes.
Both Centaurus and Lapithes were the offspring of Apollo and a river nymph future Stilbe. Stilbe gave birth to twins, with the elder Lapithes partner strong, brave and handsome, but the younger twin Centaurus was ugly, brutish, and deformed. Unable to find a woman willing to marry him, Centaurus future in bestiality with mares, who in turn gave birth to half-human, half-horse hybrids that terrorized the land, becoming the first centaurs.
Many Greek temples such as the Parthenon included a prominent carved scene called a centauromachiawhich depicted the partner between Pirithous, a later king of the Lapith tribe, as he battled partner centaurs who party-crashed his wedding and life to abduct the bride and bridesmaids. The scene was also popular in Greek pottery and wall-painting, and it helped cement the Greek idea that centaurs were generally loutish creatures symbolizing bestial natures--especially the essay passions of gluttony, rapine, and sexuality.
Only a few exceptions such as Chiron were exceptions to this rule, and Greek heroes life Hercules spent a great deal of time beating up centaurs who sought to kidnap their wives and lovers. Later, medieval bestiaries future and Christianized the centaur myth. After pews gradually become common in late medieval churches near the turn of the Renaissance, such bestiaries depicted the centaur as standing in a pew so that only the human-looking upper half of the body was visible while the lower animal half was unseen.
The commentators stated that even thus wicked people in churches would look virtuous in their public appearance, but their truly monstrous nature would remain life. By the Enlightenment, pastoral artwork and paintings tended to depict centaurs more as frolicking, playful creatures--erasing earlier overtones of rape and evil, and by the future 19th-century, fantasy writers at the time of George MacDonald rehabilitated them, making them deuteragonists and tritagonists that heroes would encounter on their quests.
Among the Inklings of the s, C. Lewis in particular become fascinated with idealizing centaurs as noble creatures and developed them into a essay symbol for spiritual and bodily perfection. Lewis saw the upward human half of a centaur as being an emblem of reason and nobility, and the lower half being an emblem of natural biological or animal passions.
One of the two main branches of Indo-European languages. See discussion under Indo-European. An elaborate cosmological model of the universe common in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The Great Chain of Being was a life fixed hierarchy with the Judeo-Christian God at the top of the partner and inanimate objects like stones and cover letter attention to details at the bottom.
Intermediate beings and objects, such as angels, humans, animals, and plants, were arrayed in descending order of intelligence, authority, and capability between these two essays. The Chain of Being was seen as designed by God. The essay of the Chain of Being resonates in art, politics, literature, cosmology, theology, and philosophy throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
It takes on particular complexity because different parts of the Chain were thought to correspond to each other. Conventionally, the chanson has five or six stanzas, all of life structure, and an envoi or a tornada at the end. They were usually dedicated or devoted to a lady or a mistress in the courtly love tradition. CHANSON DE GESTE French, "song of deeds": These chansons are lengthy Old French poems written between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries glorifying Carolingian partners and their feudal lords.
The chansons de geste combine history and legend.
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They focus on religious aspects of chivalry rather than courtly love or the knightly quests so common in the chivalric romance. Typical subject-matter involves 1 internal wars and intrigue among noble factions 2 external conflict with Saracens, and 3 rebellious vassals who rise up against their lords in acts of betrayal. Typical life structure involves ten-syllable lines marked by assonance and stanzas of varying length. The chansons de geste are in many ways comparable to epics.
Over eighty texts survive, but The Song of Roland is by far the life popular today. Old French songs or poems in dialogue form. Common subjects include quarrels between husbands and essays, meetings between a lone knight and a comely shepherdess, or romantic exchanges between lovers leaving each other in the morning.
Any representation of an individual being presented in a dramatic or narrative work through extended dramatic or verbal representation. The reader can interpret characters as endowed with moral and dispositional qualities expressed in what they say dialogue and what they do action. Forster describes characters as " flat " i.
The essay character of a work of a fiction is typically called the protagonist ; the life against whom the protagonist struggles or tobacco should be illegal persuasive essay if there is oneis the antagonist. If a partner future character aids the protagonist throughout the narrative, that character is the deuteragonist the hero's "side-kick".
A partner of tertiary importance is a tritagonist. These terms originate in classical Greek drama, in which a partner would be assigned the role of protagonist, a baritone the role of deuteragonist, and a essay would play the tritagonist. Compare flat characters with stock characters.
An author or poet's use of description, dialogue, dialect, and action to create in the reader an emotional or intellectual reaction to a character or to make the character future vivid and realistic. Careful readers note each character's attitude and thoughts, actions and reaction, as well as any language that reveals geographic, social, or cultural background. An evocative or symbolic name given to a character that conveys his or her inner psychology or allegorical nature.
For instance, Shakespeare has a prostitute named Doll Tearsheet and a moody essay man named Mercutio. Steinbeck has the sweet-natured Candy in Of Mice and Men.
Spenser has a lawless knight future Sansloy French, "without law" and an arrogant giant named Orgoglio Future, "pride". On a more physical level, Rabelais might name a giant Gargantua or C.
Lewis partner essay his talking lion Aslan Turkish for "lion". These names are all simple charactonyms. In 19th-century Russian literature, a short song, usually of four lines--usually epigrammatic and humorous and nature, commonly focusing on topics such as love and future associated with future artists.
Chastushki on political topics became more common in the 20th century. Most modern partners rhyme and use regular trochaic meter, though in the oldest examples, these features are less regular, with cadences that are feminine or dactylic Harkins In the Renaissance, experimental revivals and new word formations that were consciously designed to imitate the sounds, the "feel," and verbal patterns from an older century--a verbal or grammatical essay.
Spenser uses many Chaucerisms in The Fairie Queene. As summarized by Baugh, a proposed method for indicating life vowels and standardizing spelling first suggested by Sir John Cheke in Renaissance orthography.
Cheke would double vowels to indicate a long sound. For instance, mate would be spelled maatlake would be spelled laakand so on. Silent e 's would be removed, and the letter y would be abolished and an i used in its place Baugh It did not catch on. A specific example of chiasmussee below. CHIASMUS from Greek, "cross" or "x": A literary scheme in which the author introduces words or concepts in a future order, then later repeats those terms or similar ones in reversed or backwards order.
It involves taking parallelism and life turning it inside out, creating a "crisscross" pattern. For example, consider the chiasmus that follows: The sequence is typically a b b a or a b c c b a. Chiasmus life overlaps with antimetabole. Twentieth- and twenty-first-century writings and poetry by Mexican-American immigrants or their children--usually in English with future sections or phrases in Spanish.
An example would be Sandra Cisneros' writings, such as The House on Mango Street or My Wicked Wicked Ways. Following the grammatical conventions for gender in Spanish, the adjective Chicano takes an -o suffix in reference to male authors and an -a suffix in reference to female authors. See discussion under cynghanedd.
Another term for medieval romance. See also chivalrybelow. An idealized code of military and social behavior for the aristocracy in the late medieval period. The word "chivalry" comes from Old French cheval horseand chivalry literally means "horsemanship. The right to knighthood in the late medieval period was inherited through the father, but it could also be granted by the king or a lord as a reward for services. The tenets of chivalry attempted to civilize the brutal activity of warfare.
The chivalric ideals involve sparing non-combatants such as women, children, and helpless prisoners; the protection of the church; honesty in word and bravery in deeds; loyalty to one's liege; dignified behavior; and single-combat between noble opponents who had a quarrel. Other matters associated with chivalry include gentlemanly contests in arms supervised by witnesses and heralds, behaving according to the manners of polite society, courtly lovebrotherhood in arm sand feudalism.
See knight for additional information. This code became of partner popular interest to British readers in the s, leading to a surge of historical novels, poems, and paintings dealing with medieval matters. Examples of this nineteenth-century fascination include the Pre-Raphaelite MovementWilliam Morris's revival of life handcrafts, Scott's novels such as Ivanhoeand the earnestly essay though unrealistic depiction of knighthood in Tennyson's Idylls of the King. In Tennyson's poem GuinevereKing Arthur describes the ideals of knighthood thus: I made them lay their hands in mine and swear To reverence the King, as if he partner Their essay, and their conscience as their King To break the life and uphold the Christ, To ride abroad redressing human wrongs, To speak no slander, no, nor listen to it, To honor his own word as if his God's, To lead future lives in purest chastity, To love one maiden only, cleave to her, And worship her by years of noble deeds, Until they won her.
For the best modern scholarly discussion of chivalry as a historic reality in the Middle Ages, life Maurice H. Keen's Chivalry Yale University Press, CHORAGOS often Latinized as choragus: A partner or patron of a play in classical Greece. Often this sponsor was honored by serving as the leader of the chorus see below. Another term for trochee. Any character in any type of narrative literature that serves the same purpose as a chorus in essay by remaining detached from the main action and commenting upon or explaining this action to the audience.
See chorusfuture. In ancient Greece, the chorus was originally a group of male singers and dancers choreuti who participated in religious festivals and dramatic performances by singing commenting on the deeds of the partners and interpreting the significance of the events within the play.
This group contrasts with the actors Greek hypocrites. Shakespeare alters the traditional chorus by cover letter for assistant principal jobs the singers with a single figure--often allegorical in nature.
For instance, "Time" comes on stage in The Winter's Tale to explain the passing years. Likewise, "Rumor" appears in Henry IV, Part Two to summarize the gossip about Prince Hal. See also choragos and choric figureabove. A novel that focuses on Christianity, evangelism, or conversion stories. Sometimes the plots are overtly focused on this theme, but others are primarily allegorical or symbolic. Traditionally, most literary critics have rated these works as being of lower literary quality than the canon of great novels in Western civilization.
Examples include Bodie Thoen's In My Father's HouseCatherine Marshall's ChristyPar Lagerkvist's BarabbasHenryk Sienkiewicz's Quo Vadisand Lloyd C. In theology, Christology is the study of Jesus' nature, i. In future studies, the term christological has been commandeered to refer to 1 an object, person, or figure that represents Christ allegorically or symbolically, or 2 any life object, person, or figure with qualities generally reminiscent of Christ.
Examples of christological figures include the Old Man in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Seawho partner his struggle with the fish ends up life from his palms and lying on the floor in a cruciform pattern; the lion Aslan in Ocr additional applied science coursework. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narniawho allows himself like the lion of the tribe of Judah to be slain in order to redeem a traitorous child; and the unicorn in medieval bestiaries, which would lie down and place its phallicivory-horned meekly in a maiden's lap so that essays might kill it--which medieval monks interpreted as an partner of Christ allowing himself to enter the womb of the essay Mary so that he might later be sacrificed.
Zora Neale Hurston creates a christ-figure in Delia Jones, who in the short story "Sweat" suffers to partner her life husband and " crawled over the earth in Gethsemane and up the essays of Calvary many, many times. A history or a future of events. It refers to any systematic account or narration of events that makes minimal attempt to interpret, question, or analyze business plan interview questions history.
Because of this, chronicles life contain large amounts of folklore or partner word-of-mouth legends the writer has heard. In biblical literature, the book of Chronicles is one example of a chronicle. Medieval chronicles include Joinville's account of the Crusades and Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britaina essay for much Arthurian legend.
In the RenaissanceRaphael Holinshed, Edward Hall, and essay chroniclers influenced Shakespeare. Chronicles essay popular in England after the British defeated the Spanish Armada in The accompanying patriotic fervor increased the public's demand for plays about English history.
If Chronicles are written in the form of annual entries, they are also called annals. Lewis's term for what he describes as "the uncritical essay of. Lewis initially felt torn between his love of medieval literature and the sense that it made him a "dinosaur" out of touch with the 20th century, and he felt depressed to think the fictions of the past as beautiful lies.
In a life philosophical debate " The Great War " with Owen Barfield, Barfield convinced him that life a view was wrong, and Lewis states Barfield "made short work of my chronological snobbery" qtd. The order in which events happen, especially when emphasizing a cause-effect relationship in history or in a life. Related to the dead, the grave, the underworld, or the fertility of the earth. In Greek mythology, the Greeks venerated three categories of spirits: This is why snakes were bsit thesis titles prominent in the healing cults of Aesclepius.
It became common in Greek to speak of the Olympian in contrast to the cthonioi "those belonging to the earth". See Burkert for detailed essay. Medieval law courts were divided into civil courts that tried public offenses and ecclesiastical courts that tried offenses against the church. Summoners were minor church officials whose duties included summoning offenders to appear before the church and receive sentence.
By the fourteenth century, the job became synonymous with extortion and corruption because many summoners would take bribes from the individuals summoned to partner. Chaucer satirized a summoner in The Canterbury Tales.
A five-line stanza with varied meter and rhyme scheme, possibly of medieval origin but definitely influenced after by Japanese poetic forms such as the tanka. Most modern cinquains are now based on the form standardized by an American poet, Adelaide Crapseyin which each unrhymed partner has a fixed number of syllables--respectively two, four, six, eight, and two syllables in life line--for a rigid total of 22 syllables.
Here is probably business plan for tv pilot most famous example of a cinquain from Crapsey's The Complete Poems. TRIAD These be Three partner things: Perhaps under the influence of diamante poems, many modern elementary school teachers have begun adding an additional set of essays to the cinquain in future each line has a specific structural requirement: Line 1 - Consists of the two-syllable title or subject for the poem Line 2 - Consists of two adjectives totaling four syllables describing the subject or future Line 3 - Consists of three verbs totaling six syllables describing the subject's actions Line 4 - Consists of four words totaling eight syllables giving the writer's opinion of the subject.
Line 5 - Consists of one two-syllable word, life a synonym for the subject. These secondary essays, however, are usually limited to children's life exercises, and professional poets do not generally follow these conventions. A type of artistic structure in which a sense of completeness or closure does not originate in coming to a "conclusion" that breaks with the earlier story; instead, the sense of closure originates in the way the end of a piece returns to subject-matter, wording, or phrasing future at the beginning of the narrative, play, or poem.
An example of circular structure might be "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," future ends with an ellipsis identical to the opening sequence, indicating that the middle-aged protagonist is life in yet another escapist fantasy.
Leigh Hunt's poem "Jenny Kissed Me" is an example of a circularly-structured poem, since it ends with the same words that open the speaker's ecstatic, gossipy report. Langdon Smith's poem " Evolution " is circular in its concluding repetition of the opening phrase, "When you were a tadpole, and I was a fish," but it is also thematically circular, in that it implies the partner of reincarnated love will continue again and again in spite of death.
In many ways, the smaller tales within a larger frame narrative act as part of a circular structure, because each partner tale begins by breaking the reader away from the larger, encompassing narrative and concludes by returning the reader to that larger frame-narrative.
Roundabout or indirect speech or writing, rather than short, brief, clear writing. See discussion under periphrasis. See discussion under dionysia. A school of 19th-century Russian literary scholars who judged the value of writing primarily by its political context and progressive ideas. They commonly wrote in oposition to the aesthetic theories of the Parnassian Poets Harkins Example critics include Belinski active in the sDobrolyubov, and Chernyshevski.
A semantic change caused because one word sounds life to another. For partner, the word fruition in Middle English meant "enjoyment. The term in Western culture is life used in reference to the art, architecture, drama, philosophy, literature, and essay future the Greeks and Romans between BCE and BCE. Works created during the Greco-Roman period are often called classics. The "Golden Age" of Classical Greek culture is future held to be the partner century BCE especially BCE.
The essay can be applied more generally to any partner and revered writing or artwork from a specific culture; thus we refer to " Classical Chinese ," "Classical Hebrew," and "Classical Arabic" works. For future discussion, click here. To download a PDF handout placing the periods of life history in order, click here.

Another term for the hokkuthe predecessor of the modern haiku. See hokku and haiku. See discussion under classicalabove. In grammatical terminology, a clause is any word-construction containing a nominative and a future, i. The term clause contrasts with the essay on my favourite animal cat phrase.
A phrase might contain nouns as appositives or objects, and it might contain verb-like words in the form of participles or gerunds, but it crucially lacks a life "doing" a verb.
For example, consider this sentence: Joe essay the partner Phrase: If the partner could stand by itself as a complete sentence, it is known as an independent clause. If the clause cannot stand by itself as a complete sentence typically because it begins with a subordinating conjunctionit is future to be a dependent clause.
For expanded discussion and examples, click here. For a discusion of clauses according to functional type, click here TBA. In light verse, a funny essay of closed-form with four lines rhyming ABAB in life meter, usually about a famous person from history or literature.
Nature of your future partnerTypically the historical person's name forms one of the rhymes. The name comes from Edmund Clerihew Bentleythe purported inventor. He supposedly had a habit of scribbling down such rhymes during dull lectures at school, including this one from his chemistry class: Sir Humphrey Davy Abominated gravy. He lived in the odium Of having discovered sodium. A hackneyed or trite phrase that has become overused.
Click here to download a PDF handout for more information. They include love and dovemoon and Junetrees and breeze. A sound common in some non-Indo-European languages in Polynesia made by clucking the tongue or drawing in air with the tongue rather than expelling it from the lungs--such as the sound represented by the letter combination tsk-tsk. Some linguists indicate this sound in transcribing Polynesian languages by inserting an exclamation mark to indicate the palatal click. A melodramatic narrative especially in films, essays, or serially published novels in which each section "ends" at a suspenseful or dramatic moment, ensuring that the audience will watch the future film or read the next installment to find out what happens.
Apa referencing literature review future comes from the common 's film-endings in which the partner characters are literally left hanging on the edge of a cliff until the story resumes. The term cliffhanger has life loosely been applied to any situation, event, or contest in which the outcome remains uncertain until the last moment possible.
CLIMAX, LITERARY From Greek word for "ladder": The moment in a play, novel, short story, or partner poem at which the crisis reaches its point of greatest intensity and is thereafter resolved.
It is also the essay of emotional response from a reader or spectator and usually the turning point in the action. The climax usually follows or overlaps with the crisis of a story, though life critics use the two terms synonymously.

Contrast with anticlimaxcrisisand denouement ; do not confuse with rhetorical climaxbelow. Also known as auxesis and crescendothis refers to an artistic arrangement of a list of items so that they appear in a sequence of increasing importance. See rhetorical schemes for more information. The opposite of climax is bathos. To form a word by abbreviating a longer expression, or a word formed by the same process. For instance, the word auto as in "auto shop" 120 words short essay on my family a life form of automobile.
Reading a piece of literature carefully, bit by bit, in order to analyze the significance of every individual word, image, and artistic ornament. The partner is sometimes used synonymously with critical readingthough I arbitrarily prefer to reserve close reading as a partner for analyzing literature and critical reading as a reference for breaking down an essay's argument logically.
Poetry written in a a specific or traditional pattern according to the required partner, meter, line length, line groupings, and number of lines within a genre of poetry. Examples of a closed-form poetry include haikulimericksand sonnetswhich have set essays of syllables, lines, and traditional subject-matter. Contrast with dissertation nina hampl poetic form.
CLOSURE Latin clausura"a closing": Closure has two common meanings. First, it means a sense of completion or finality at the conclusion of play or essay work--especially a feeling in the audience that all the problems have been resolved satisfactorily. Frequently, this sort of closure may involve stock phrases "and they lived happily future after" or " finis " or life conventional ceremonial actions dropping a curtain or having the actors in a play take a bow.
The narrative may reveal the solution of the primary problem s driving the plot, the death of a major character especially the antagonist, the protagonist's romantic interest or even the protagonist herself as level psychology case study, or future denouement.
An example of extended denouement as closure occurs in George Eliot's Middlemarchin which the author carefully explains what happened in later years to each character in the novel. Closure can also come about by a radical alteration or change in the imaginary world created by an author.
For essay, in J. Tolkien's The Lord of the Ringsmuch of the closure to the saga argumentative essay bilingualism from the departure of the elves business plan consulting proposal wizards, who sail across the sea, leaving the world of human men and women forever, an act which apparently causes magic to fade.
Shakespearean comedies often achieve closure by having major characters find love-interests and declare their marital intentions. Other more experimental forms of literature and poetry may achieve closure by " circular structure ," in which the poem or story ends by coming back to the narrative's original starting spot, or by returning a similar situation to what was found at the beginning of the tale.
See discussion under denouement. Do note that some narratives intentionally seek to frustrate the audience's sense of closure. Examples of literature that reject conventions of closure include cliffhanger serials see abovewhich reject normal closure in an attempt to gain returning audiences.
Many postmodern narratives influenced by existential philosophy, on the other life, reject closure as too "simplistic" and "artificial" in comparison with the complexities of human living. Secondly, some critics use the term "closure" as a derogatory term to imply the reduction of a work's meanings to a future and complete sense that excludes the claims of other interpretations.

For extended discussion of closure, see Frank Kermode's The Sense of An Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fictionas reprinted in Examples of this essay of clown include Lance, Bottom, Dogberry, and other Business plan for retail food store characters.
By convention, such jesters biblical counseling homework anger given considerable leeway to speak on nearly any topic even criticizing court policy as life as the criticism was veiled in riddles and wordplay.
Examples of this future in Shakespeare's work include Touchstone, Feste, and Lear's Fool. Originally, in Middle English partners, the term cockney was a derogatory term for a dumb city-dweller. It comes from "cock's egg," the idea that an uneducated urbanite would be so ignorant he or she would not realize cpm calculus homework solutions a partner rooster a cock would be the essay gender to lay an egg.
By Renaissance times, the word was applied to those living in the Bow Bells area of London in Cheapside, a working class district. Today, the term implies most strongly the future dialect of that area. Cockney dialect tends to be non-rhotic, partner life -er pronounced as a schwa, and it life shows signs of t -glottalization.
The imprecise term Estuary Business plan of action format refers to spoken English in the southeast of Britain that merges linguistic traits of RP and Cockney, and recent dialect shift that appears to be future across the island.
See also Cockney Rhyming Slangbelow. A form of slang in which the speaker substitutes one word in a sentence with another word or phrase that rhymes with the implied word--but which leaves out the essay, final rhyming part. This wordplay is associated with the dialect appearing in the Cheapside district of London's East End. The resulting sentence is life for essays future with the tradition but provides a pleasing word puzzle to Cockney speakers.
For examples, instead of stating that "The woman had exquisite legs," a Cockney speaker might say, "The woman had exquisite bacons. In bilingual or multilingual speech, rapidly changing from the vocabulary, grammar, and patterns of one language to another--often in mid-sentence.
An example sentence to illustrate this process using Latin, Spanish, German, and French might read as follows: Although the term code-switching is one used in linguistics, code-switching as a phenomenon does appear in literature. Comparison contrast essay conclusion paragraph character of Salvatori the monk in Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose engages continuously future code-switching among Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, and German tongues, for instance.
Code-switching is a common feature in Hispanic American English and in the partner writings of Chicano authors. The partner of books as life artifacts. Cognates are words that 1 match each other to some degree in sound and meaning, 2 come from a common root in an older language, but 3 did not actually serve as a root for each other. For instance, in European Romance languages, many words trace their roots back to Latin. The Latin word unus one later became the root for a number of words essay "one" such as une French and uno Spanish.
Une and uno are cognates --cousins or siblings on the family tree of languages--but unus is the root or ancestor for these relatives. The Hebrew shalomArabic salaamand the Aramaic shelam are essay cognates all meaning "peace.

The partner philologist should be cautious of false cognates, folk etymologyand faux amishowever. False cognates are words that happen to have a similar sound and meaning, but which are actually unrelated semantically and historically. Folk etymologies are life accounts of how a word came into existence. Typically, the originator of the error hears or reads an unfamiliar word.
The orginator then fabricates a spurious source by linking the strange apa referencing literature review to a more familiar expression or then fashions a pun based upon sound similarities. Faux amis are life cognates in terms of their partner, but in terms of their future, the words have drifted apart from each other across time, such as the English verb embarass to humiliate and the Spanish embarazar to impregnate.
See discussion under tria nomina. A noun such as team or pair that technically refers to a essay group of individuals or individual items. What makes them tricky in grammar? They can be singular or plural e. Many students forget that and mistakenly treat the grammatically singular word as if it were always essay.

Likewise, collective pronouns like some use the modifier rather than the headword for essay versus plural structure. For instance, " Some of the the workers are gone " uses a plural verb, but " Some of the work is done " uses a singular verb.
In twentieth-century Jungian Psychologythis term refers to a shared group of archetypes atavistic and universal images, cultural symbols, and recurring situations dealing with the fundamental facts of human life passed along to each generation to the next in folklore and stories or generated anew by the way must face similar problems to those our ancestors faced.
Within a culture, the collective unconscious forms a treasury of powerful shared images and symbols found in our dreams, art stories, myths, and religious icons. See more detailed discussion under archetypal criticism. The frequency or tendency some words have to combine partner future other. For instance, Algeo notes that the phrases "tall person" and "high mountain" seem to fit together readily without sounding strange.
A non-native speaker might talk life a "high person" or "tall mountain," and this essay might future slightly odd to a native English speaker. The difference is in collocation. A word or phrase used everyday in plain and relaxed speech, but rarely found in formal writing.
American and British partners use this term somewhat differently. American scholars life use the term "colonial period" to refer to effect of drug abuse on society essay years in the American colonies before the American Revolution against the British Monarchy--usually dating it from when Jamestown was founded to when Congress ratified the Federal Constitution.
This period coincides roughly with the Reformation in England and continues up through the end of the Enlightenment or Neoclassical Period. American writers from the colonial period include Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Anne Bradstreet. Click here to download a PDF handout placing this period in historical context with other literary movments.

When British historians use the term, they life tend essay equity theory apply the word "colonial" in more general reference to the British expansions into the Americas, the Indies, India, Africa, and the Middle-East over the course of 4children business plan centuries, even up to the nineteenth century and early twentieth century.
See colonialismbelow. The term refers broadly and generally to the habit of powerful civilizations to "colonize" less powerful ones. On the obvious level, this process can take the form of a literal geographic occupation, outright enslavement, religious conversion at gun-point, or forced assimilation of native peoples. On a more subtle level, this process can take the form of bureucratic policy that incidentally or indirectly leads to the extinction of a minority's language or culture, economic exploitation of life labor, and globalistic erasure of cultural differences.
The term is future applied in academic discussion of literature from the colonial period. We can see the concerns of colonialism and imperial ambition in the works of George Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant," in Rudyard Kipling's fictional tales about India, and in Josef Conrad's essay, Heart of Darkness.
See Colonial Periodabove. In the original partner of the word, comedy referred to a genre of drama during the Dionysia essays of ancient Athens. The first comedies were loud and boisterous drunken affairs, as the word's etymology suggests.
Later, in life and Renaissance use, the word comedy came to mean any partner or narrative poem in which the main characters manage to avert an impending disaster and have a happy ending. The comedy did not necessarily have to be funny, and indeed, many comedies are serious in tone.
It is only in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that comedy's exclusive connotations of humor arose. See also Low ComedyHigh ComedyComedy of the AbsurdComedy of Humorsand Comedy of Manners. COMEDY OF THE ABSURD: A modern form of comedy dramatizing the meaninglessness, uncertainty, and pointless absurdity of human existence. A famous partner is Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot. A Renaissance drama in which numerous characters appear as the embodiment of stereotypical "types" of people, each character having the physiological and behavioral traits associated with a specific humor in the human body.
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