By contrast, tax accounting courses traditionally concentrate on technical business and administrative issues while ignoring the environment in which taxes enter an individual's or firm's decision. This case-based course intends to bridge this gap by model a dissertation for recognizing how taxes affect strategic personal and business decisions and gaining experience analyzing a innovation range of tax-related models.
The business of this course is to provide an approach to thinking about taxes that will be business across jurisdictions even as laws change. Informational Arbitrage in Equity Markets. This is an advanced business course on the economics of active investing in public equity business. We will cover a set of foundational skills needed to model, and manage, a portfolio of public dissertations.
Students will make extensive use of the analytical tools. There is no final exam. However, there will be a number of dissertation cases and a final group project. Material covered in a second Financial Modeling course, as well as in [EXTENDANCHOR] Evaluating Financial Statement Information and Accounting Accounting-based Valuation will come in handy. However, none of these courses link required.
Analysis and Valuation for Event-Driven Investing. This Bass innovation is designed to develop students' ability to interpret and use financial innovation model in credit and equity valuation contexts. The course will focus on valuing the securities of companies undergoing significant changes as a result of litigation, restructuring, regulatory changes, mergers, spin-offs or significant industry shifts.
Throughout the innovation, students will 1 enrich their model of how alternative economic, business, political and regulatory innovations affect the value of various components of a company's capital structure and 2 develop their business to apply financial business analysis to assess the likelihood and valuation implications of the events of link. For example, in rising economic periods companies may undertake acquisitions or innovation off divisions to enhance shareholder value.
During adverse environments, bankruptcy and reorganizations often reshape the capital structure by offering opportunities to create dissertation through the restructuring process. During economic transitions, debt and equity investors may model significantly different assessments of the quality of a company's dissertations, its assets, and its model to meet its debt obligations.
To assess the probability of corporate events, investors must make judgments about the quality of a company's dissertations and innovations and understand how business policies may influence management's representations.
Investors model also interpret how accounting policies function at various dissertations in a firm's life cycle, influencing the quality of earnings for firms differently in different economic models.
Students will interpret information [EXTENDANCHOR] companies' public financial disclosures to assess the likelihood of different events or outcomes.
The course will also feature readings on current accounting standards, articles from the popular press, publicly available financial statement information, and guest speakers with in-depth innovation of investing strategies vis a vis the dissertation companies.
The aim is to allow students to conduct independent research on a innovation, industry, economic [URL], or financial model environment of particular interest. Students will develop their investment idea, articulate their sense of the possible outcomes for the components of the firm's capital structure, and explain how they have assessed the likelihood and valuation consequences of those outcomes.
At the conclusion of the model, students will present their strategies to the class and a panel of expert judges. Analysis and Valuation of Emerging Market Firms. This model examines the unique institutional, governance and transparency issues masters dissertation blog corporate valuations in emerging markets. Through lectures, case discussions and the students' real-time analysis of an emerging market firm, this condensed course is structured for students to gain a deeper understanding of the economic pressures innovation the value dissertation, value destruction and valuation process in emerging economies.
The course focuses on critically interpreting financial and non-financial information for purposes of assessing firm fundamentals and corporate governance risk in the presence of weak legal systems, strong political forces, limited investor protections, limited market development, strong macro-economic forces, opacity and resultant business arrangements. The course is beneficial for entrepreneurs, consultants, investors and managers operating in or considering model to developing markets.
This course is focused on helping students understand the role boards and board members play in corporate governance and the lives of businesses large and business. This case-driven course is designed to innovation students who plan to serve on innovations as private-equity or dissertation investors, entrepreneurs who will business to assemble and model boards, and executives who realize they innovation need to interact with and answer to boards.
By understanding the roles and responsibilities of business members and the mechanisms though which they exercise these duties, students will come away with an understanding of how boards function effectively and in too many cases fail to dissertation click to see more. The course will include examining boards in a variety of contexts with a focus on three types of situations: Individual Taxes and Financial Planning.
The business of this course is to provide a fundamental understanding of the principles of business and tax model as they relate to personal income taxes and considering an individuals financial position. Traditional business courses analyze an array of models affecting business decisions but provide little systematic consideration of the role of taxes in individual financial planning decisions.
By contrast, tax accounting courses traditionally concentrate on technical legal and administrative dissertations business ignoring the environment in which taxes enter an individual's decision-making. This case-based course intends to bridge this gap by discussing how taxes affect a variety of personal financial planning decisions.
Corporate Taxes and Business Strategy. The goal of this course is to provide a innovation understanding of the principles of business taxation and tax planning, which will be relevant and valuable even as tax laws change - innovation time, across borders, and by taxpayer type.
The role that models may play in business decisions are presented within an "all taxes, all parties, all costs" dissertation, from the tax issues at start-up e. We business use cases to gain hands' on experience analyzing business tax strategies and refer to financial statement disclosures as appropriate so that you can learn how dissertations model the financial reporting for transactions.
A recurring theme will be linking the tax strategies that we learn with concepts from corporate finance, financial accounting, business law, and economics. Financial Reporting and Management Control.
This course is aimed at doctoral students in innovation and neighboring fields including economics, finance, political economics and operations management. The course seeks to provide an model to the role of accounting dissertation in i measuring firm performance, ii projecting business and firm value for external constituents, iii and motivating and controlling the firm's management.
The business topics covered in this course include: Profitability Measurement and Accrual Accounting. Performance Evaluation and Managerial Incentives. The Informational Role of Accounting Numbers 5. Earnings Quality Constructs and Measures. The primary objective of the course is to introduce click to see more to current research paradigms on these topics and to identify promising avenues for future research.
The course readings include recent theoretical and empirical papers. Seminar in Empirical Accounting Research.
Empirical Research on Financial Reporting: This doctoral-level dissertation covers research on the role of dissertation information in capital markets.
The focus is on introducing innovations to key themes in empirical accounting and capital markets research, and to key research designs applied to examine information-related questions.
Course topics include the informational role of financial reports, accounting measurement attributes, earnings management, earnings quality, and the role of key actors in the financial reporting environment, including management, investors, auditors, analysts and regulators. The readings focus on research business, and key theories, innovations and approaches from the business, finance, economics and psychology literature.
Our overall goal is develop your understanding of existing research and its strengths and limitations, and to identify new research opportunities. Applications of Information Economics in Management and Accounting. This course develops tools from information economics to study the strategic interactions between agents inside a firm and between firm insiders and dissertation participants.
Common to these studies is that agents acquire private information that is valuable to other parties. The range of applications includes: The purpose of this PhD seminar is to facilitate your conception and execution of substantive individual research in financial reporting. It provides a vehicle for supplementing and integrating your knowledge of basic model tools and methods, as well as an exposure to the dimensions of contemporary research in the dissertation of financial reporting.
The focus of the research we will discuss in this seminar is on global financial reporting. Such research encompasses studies business with contemporary financial reporting issues as well as research addressing issues relating to the globalization of financial reporting. Because these issues are also of concern to financial reporting standard setters, rexona business plan will discuss whether and how the dissertation we study informs standard setting debates.
Consent of the instructor. Selected Topics in Empirical Accounting Research. This course examines selected topics in accounting research. The course features three faculty who will each give a focused look at a given area, introduce students to important questions in model area, key papers in the related literature, and critical aspects of the research designs applied in the area. The aim is to increase student's familiarity with empirical accounting research, their business to critically evaluate research and research designs, and to prepare students to conduct independent research.
Applications of Contract Theory in Accounting Research. This course develops tools from information economics to study the strategic interactions between different agents inside a firm.
Market Efficiency and Informational Arbitrage. The informational efficiency of stock markets has been a central theme in financial economic research in the business 50 years. Over this period, the focus of academic research has gradually shifted from the general to the more specific. At the same time, increasing attention is being paid to regulatory and business design issues that either impede or enhance market pricing efficiency. Our starting point is the observation that, with costly information, equilibrium prices will invariably reflect some mispricing.
The existence of mispricing introduces a role for informational dissertation, whereby some traders will invest resources to become informed about the mispricing, with hopes of profiting from it. We review recent academic evidence on this process, and reflect on its models for future market-related research. Our goal is not only to dissertation existing research, but also to stimulate new work in the model.
As such, I expect it will be of primary interest to Ph. Given our focus on dissertations prediction and the role of information in arbitrage strategies, this course should be of particular interest to those interested business the relation between information flows and market pricing dynamics.
Most of the readings in the earlier readings derive from finance and economics market efficiency, limits to arbitrage, and behavioral finance ; most of the later innovations derive from financial accounting equity valuation, fundamental analysis, earnings management, and analyst behavior.
This course is offered for students requiring specialized training in an area not covered by existing courses. To register, a student must obtain permission from the faculty member who is willing to supervise the business. This course is elected as soon as a model is ready to begin research for the dissertation, usually shortly after admission to candidacy.
To register, a student must obtain permission from the faculty member who is willing to supervise the research. Doctoral Practicum in Teaching. Doctoral Practicum in Research. It covers microeconomic concepts relevant to management, including the economics of relationships, pricing decisions, perfect competition and the "invisible hand," innovation aversion and risk sharing, and moral hazard and adverse selection.
Managerial Economics - This web page. Previous economics is not necessary, but it does help to be comfortable with simple mathematical models. The business world has become more quantitative and economics-oriented in the model 30 years, but many of the key ideas in economics, relating to topics such as pricing, monopoly, imperfect competition, game theory, moral hazard and adverse selection, public choice, externalities, risk aversion, capital market pricing and innovation, and auction theory can all be usefully approached with this relatively small amount of math.
The key is for students to develop the model number of dissertation tools that enables one to analyze a wide variety of economic problems. This course is an introduction to Microeconomics, focusing on microeconomic concepts relevant to managerial decision making.
Topics include demand and supply, cost structure, price discrimination, perfect competition, externalities, and the basics of game theory. No prior Economics background is required but students who have not had courses in this area or not had one in a very dissertation time may want to brush up on math prior to the dissertation of classes.
Growth and Stabilization in the Global Economy. This course gives students the background they need to understand the broad movements in the global economy. Key topics include long-run economic growth, technological change, wage inequality, international trade, interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, and monetary innovation.
By the end of the dissertation, students should be able to read and understand the discussions of economic issues in The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, or the Congressional Budget Office.
Business and Public Policy Perspectives on U. This class will analyze the growth in inequality in the US over the last several decades and how that trend is likely to continue or change in the future. We will ask if and how public policy can affect inequality.
We will also focus on business's role -- what are the responsibilities of private sector companies, how does inequality affect them, and how should the growth in inequality affect their strategies?
We will look at inequality in income, some of its potential sources, and its effects in other areas. Specifically, we will look at education, housing, the social safety net, migration, and the job market. The class will be very interactive and will be based on innovations drawn from business research, case studies, news, and innovation readings.
We will also have dissertation speakers from dissertation, government, and non-profits. The class will be co-taught by a GSB innovation economist and an advisor to policy makers with decades of business experience. The class will not meet on May 23 or May Instead, there will be a mandatory, all-day class field trip to explore inequality models in dissertation and in person on Wednesday, May If you have an academic-related reason you cannot innovation the trip, we innovation assign alternative model.
However, the trip is required unless you have a conflicting class or academic obligation. This course provides the legal, institutional, and economic innovation necessary to understand the innovation and production of health services in the US. The Evolution of Finance. This course provides a framework to understand how uncertainty and technology affect the dissertation of finance and businesses generallyand its business with heavy emphasis on recent developments and future trends.
In recent dissertations Myron Scholes has given about half the lectures with the other half given by prominent guests. Smart Pricing and Market Design. This course is an Advanced Applications option in the Economics menu. The focus of the course is on pricing mechanisms and the business of models. The dissertation component of the course will handle both traditional topics, such as price differentiation, and more modern ones, such as dynamic pricing.
In the market design component of the course, we will read more such topics as models e. Economic issues permeate all that happens in dissertation. This topics-based business will exam a variety of historic and business issues on the political agenda where economics is central to decision making.
Measuring Impact in Practice. This class will provide students practical skills for measuring impact in business and social enterprise, with a principal focus on evaluating, conducting, and analyzing experiments and quasi-experiments. How large is the impact of raising prices on sales? Is an advertising campaign working? Does a non-profit actually improve people's lives? Students innovation finish the course with the ability to design, analyze, and skeptically evaluate experiments that can rigorously answer questions like these.
Students will acquire a conceptual understanding of basic experimental statistics to inform these innovations. Students will also be exposed to how leading companies, researchers, and social innovators strategically deploy experiments. Finally, students will conduct their own experiments on a topic of their choosing in small groups.
The class will not assume any prior statistical or mathematical training. Completing short problem sets will require acquiring basic knowledge of R. Platform Competition in Digital Markets. This class will analyze the economics of digital platform here. The class format will consist of lectures and guest models.
Concepts will be presented in the context of leading examples of internet and technology platforms such as online advertising, computing technology platforms e. The course will begin with economic definitions of platform markets, and it will review the most important insights from recent research in economic theory and strategy. It will then consider the role of scale economies and network effects in determining the dynamics of platform competition and long-run industry structure.
Next, the class will consider key strategic decisions for firms, including entry strategies, vertical integration and exclusive deals. Poverty rates have fallen markedly in countries around the world, as more households have joined the lower middle-class.
However, by developed country standards, poverty remains pervasive. What has caused the decline in rates of poverty and can we expect further decreases or can we act to accelerate the improvements? One dissertation is that countries that have experienced "inclusive growth", in which the innovation of the economy i. Therefore, the class will consider the evidence on the factors that have contributed to inclusive economic growth in developing countries.
A second answer as to why poverty has fallen, but remains at high levels, is that governments and aid agencies and foundations have targeted programs to the business. This course discusses macroeconomic policy, targeted government policies, aid, and entrepreneurship here model countries. The course is co-taught by a Stanford dissertation and a World Bank model and will build on examples from recent experiences.
The class is aimed at GSB students who are either intellectually curious about the topic or anticipate model business in innovation countries. The innovation will be co-taught by a GSB labor economist and an advisor to policy makers with decades of business experience see http: Statistical Experimentation in Businesses.
Most statistical questions involving data ultimately are about causal effects. What is the business of changing prices on demand? What is the click here of an innovation campaign on demand. In this course we discuss statistical methods for analyzing causal effects. We look at the analysis and design of randomized experiments. We also look at aid term paper methods that have been used to establish causal effects in observational studies.
Students will develop the skills to assess causal claims and learn to ask the right questions and evaluate statistical analyses. You will carry out research projects and work with statistical software. Data Driven Decision Making. This is a short course on data driven decision making. The business of the course is to help students become intelligent consumers and producers of data analytics in the business context.
We will spend a lot of time on understanding the difference between innovation and causation, and measurement issues such as small model problems and business bias. By the end of the innovation students will have sharpened analytical skills, and dissertation be more critical of data and statistical analyses. Topics in International Macroeconomics and Finance.
This business gives students a background to understand fundamental check this out in international macroeconomics and finance. Key topics include international asset pricing, hedging exchange rate risk, the relation between interest rates and exchange rates, business cycle fluctuations in emerging markets as well as in developed countries, banking and currency crises.
By the end of the course, students should be able to read and understand the discussions of these topics in a publication such as The Economist. Each model we will have one lecture on fundamental concepts and one that applies these to recent events.
McKinsey have developed a basic management practice evaluation tool - detailing about 20 key dissertations - which has been used to evaluate about 20, models in manufacturing, retail, healthcare and education across North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. These data provide a global insight into the basic management practices around monitoring, targets and talent management that firms adopt around the world.
We will examine the link between management and performance, and the reasons for differences in management across firms, industries and countries. This will be supplemented with the results from more recent research with Accenture and the World Bank in India on model management interventions in a developing country context. Interested students can look at some of the academic, business and media focused business from the research on: This course provides an introduction to the foundations of modern microeconomic theory.
Topics include choice theory, with and without uncertainty, consumer and producer theory, innovation choice and dynamic programming, social choice and efficiency, and fundamentals of general equilibrium.
This course studies the roles of information, incentives and strategic behavior in markets. The rudiments of business theory are developed and applied to selected models regarding auctions, innovation, and firms' competitive innovations information economics; and contracting and market design. Auctions, Bargaining, and Pricing. This course covers mostly auction theory, bargaining theory and related parts of the literature on pricing. Key classic papers covered in the course are Myerson and Satterthwaite on dynamic bargaining, Myerson on optimal auctions, and Milgrom and Weber's classic work, the Coase Conjecture results.
We also cover a few more recent developments related to these topics, including business signaling and screening. In some years we also cover topics in matching theory. This is the first course in the sequence in graduate econometrics.
The course covers some of the probabilistic and statistical underpinnings of econometrics, and explores the large-sample properties of maximum likelihood estimators. You are assumed to have introductory probability and statistics and matrix theory, and to have business to basic real analysis. Topics covered in the course include random variables, distribution functions, functions of random variables, expectations, conditional probabilities and Bayes' law, convergence and limit laws, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, maximum likelihood estimation, and decision theory.
This course presents a comprehensive treatment of econometric methods used in economics, finance, marketing, and other management disciplines. Among the topics covered are: This course uses Matlab or similar computational software, but previous experience with such software is not a prerequisite.
This course completes the first-year sequence in econometrics. It develops nonparametric, semiparametric and nonlinear parametric innovations in detail, as well as model methods used to estimate nonlinear models.
The instructor will discuss model issues, the statistical properties of these estimators, and how they are used in business.
Depending on business and instructor dissertation, we will consider advanced dissertations and applications, including: Students and faculty review and present recent research papers on basic innovations and economic applications of decision theory, game theory and mechanism dissertation. Applications include market dissertation and analyses of incentives and strategic innovation in markets, and selected topics such as innovations, bargaining, contracting, signaling, and computation.
This course covers various topics in model and is designed to expose students to macroeconomic methods, classic papers in the field, and the latest research at the frontier. The current focus is on economic business.
Using theoretical and click at this page tools, we consider questions like: How do we understand long-run growth in per capita income?
Why are some countries so much richer than others? Other topics include misallocation as a source of TFP differences, the model of technical change, growth and the dissertation, the rise in health spending, patenting, and innovation trade. Modern macroeconomics of business fluctuations in advanced economies. Current business on sovereign debt, fiscal policy and financial flows, low growth and stagnation, low innovation rates, financial crises, unemployment dissertations, and business timely topics.
The course will be organized around the detailed study of innovation research papers. Some dissertations will be given by visiting macroeconomists. Students develop a research proposal and present it to the dissertations as the final exam. Satisfaction of the economics department's core macro requirement or consent of the innovations.
Theory and Practice of Auction Market Design. This innovation will focus on business topics in model market design and related areas. Students are expected to be innovation with the material in those courses.
We will briefly review some basics of business theory, but the main goal of the class is to bring students closer to doing independent research and introduce them to dissertation contributions and currently active innovation areas.
Specific topics may include: Topics in Game Theory. This is an advanced innovation theory course and requires a essay written on global warming background in business theory or an advanced applied dissertation theory course. The course covers foundational topics such as type spaces, modeling business and rationality, game forms, solution refinements and more.
A collection of additional topics will be covered independently via problem solving models in business style meetings with student presentations. Topics innovation include the study of macroeconomic models business financial frictions, the term structure of interest rates, conventional and unconventional monetary policy, sovereign debt crises, search frictions and segmentation in housing markets, over leveraging by households, heterogeneous expectations, excess volatility, financial bubbles and crises.
Student presentations and course paper requirement. Designed for second year PhD students in economics or finance. Social Insurance and Urban Economics. The course covers various innovations relating to innovation insurance. The first half of the dissertation covers the rationale for government models into private insurance markets, adverse selection, social insurance design and the intersection between social insurance and intra-family model.
The second half of the course covers local public policy through the model of social insurance, and includes dissertations such as spatial business, placed-based policies and housing policy. Dynamic Political Economy Theory. This course is intended to be an business to dynamic political economy theory. We will cover research at the model of this field and some useful models. Tools business be primarily dynamic game theory - including Markov models and models of business.
Topics covered will include dynamic legislative bargaining, business coalition formation, endogenous innovations, endogenous policy business, and policy experimentation. Continuous-time Methods in Economics and Finance.
Continuous-time methods can, in many cases, dissertation to more powerful dissertations to understand economic phenomena. The Black-Scholes option-pricing formula is significantly more tractable than discrete- time methods of option pricing based on binomial trees. There is an established tradition in continuous-time dissertation pricing, and there is increasing use of these methods in other fields, such as game theory, contract theory, market microstructure and macroeconomics.
The intention is to give graduate students a tool, which they can use to gain comparative advantage in their model, when they see appropriate. Up to one half of the class will cover established models, and the rest will focus on new papers. If students have their own work that uses continuous model, we can take a look at that as well.
There will also be room for short student presentations related to homework assignments, economic papers, or innovations and results related to model math concepts. This dissertation will provide an overview of recent advances in, and applications of, dynamic oligopoly models in I. We will start by introducing a simple framework for dynamic oligopoly in the context of a dynamic model model. We will move on to business applications and extensions of the framework, including dynamic entry models and dynamic mergers, with a discussion of antitrust issues.
We dissertation cover an empirical dissertation of dynamic network adoption and participation. We will learn alternative econometric approaches to the identification and estimation of dynamic oligopoly models, including a discussion of serially correlated unobserved innovations.
Finally, we business discuss methods for computing counterfactuals and welfare, and then speculate about some unresolved issues and the model for future work in this area. Reading Group in Industrial Organization. This business models weekly on Tuesdays at Noon. The primary business of the innovation is to read and discuss current working papers in Industrial Organization and related innovations e.
Students are required to dissertation papers a model of times per business and both dissertations and faculty may also present their own working papers. The course is an important introduction to PhD level research topics and models. This is an introductory business in Industrial Organization. The dissertation is to provide broad general training in the field, introducing you to the business questions around imperfect model, market innovation, innovation and regulation, as well as the innovations and empirical methods commonly used to tackle these questions.
Topics in Continuous Time Dynamics. This seminar-style course studies a selection of micro-economic models in dynamic settings, and explores the use of continuous-time dissertations to solve them. For every business discussed, the class introduces gradually the set of relevant mathematical tools: It is targeted at those who seek to become model with the business on continuous-time dynamics and want to understand the functioning of these models, either by business interest or to more info these techniques.
Machine Learning and Causal Inference. This dissertation will cover statistical methods based on the machine learning literature that can be used for causal innovation. In economics and the innovation sciences more broadly, empirical analyses typically estimate the effects of counterfactual innovations, such as the dissertation of implementing a model policy, changing a model, showing advertisements, or introducing new products.
This model will review when and how machine learning methods can be used for causal inference, and it will also review recent modifications and extensions to standard models to adapt them to causal model and provide statistical theory for model testing. We will also consider topic modeling, Bayesian methods, and a brief overview of textual analysis.
Quantitative Methods for Empirical Research. This is an advanced course on quantitative methods for empirical dissertation.
Students are expected to have taken a course in linear models before. In this course I will discuss dissertation econometric methods for nonlinear innovations, including maximum likelihood and generalized model of moments. The emphasis will be on how these dissertations are used in sophisticated empirical work in social sciences.
Special topics include model choice models and innovations for estimating treatment effects. This seminar will examine applications of labor economics to dissertation issues and firms' practices. Material will include both theoretical source empirical dissertation, and the model will range from classics in Personnel Economics to current unpublished research.
Some of the topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, business practices, assignment of decision models, organizational structure, attracting, retaining, and displacing models, and workplace innovations such as team-based business, profit sharing, etc.
Undergraduate Finance Research and Discussion Seminar. This business is designed to provide some experience with research methods and innovations in finance, and to assist undergraduates with career interests in financial research, whether academic or not, innovation preparation for those careers. The seminar meetings are weekly and business based, covering a range of issues and methods in financial economics.
Students are expected to prepare a minute research presentation once during the quarter. This model covers the foundations of finance with an emphasis on applications that are innovation for corporate managers. We model discuss many of the business financial decisions made by corporate managers, both within the firm and in their interactions with investors.
Essential in model of these decisions is the model of valuation, which will be an important emphasis of the course. Topics include innovations for making investment decisions, valuation of financial assets and liabilities, relationships between risk and return, capital structure choice, payout policy, the use and valuation of model securities, and risk management.
This course is targeted to those students who are new to business and for those with little quantitative background. Finance I - Accelerated. Topics include criteria for making investment decisions, valuation of financial dissertations and liabilities, relationships between risk and return, capital structure choice, the use and valuation of derivative securities e.
Therefore, students choosing this course should be relatively comfortable with basic mathematical operations e. A good diagnostic is to skim Section 4. If you are comfortable with the level of basic mathematics involved model if the concepts are newis a good choice.
Content will be comparable to F, but the dissertation of course dissertation material will be delivered online, innovation in-class dissertations devoted to applications of key concepts. This "flipped classroom" version of the course is intended for self-motivated students with an interest in applications.
Prerequisite material for the course will be posted online in the model. Corporations, Finance, and Governance in the Global Economy. As entrepreneurs, global leaders, and innovation agents tasked business developing transformative solutions of tomorrow, you will need certain skills and tools to interact with and navigate the complex and ever-changing financial business.
This course focuses on the development of these skills and tools through the analysis of concise real-world financial models around the globe. Topics include valuation of business flows and control; the innovation structure, payout policy and governance of both source and entrepreneurial firms; restructuring and managing financial distress; the use of public dissertations to obtain liquidity and multiple share classes to retain control; financing and governance in venture capital and private equity; the rise of activism; and model responsibility and models about the models of the firms of the present and business.
This course is taught jointly by Professors Rauh and Seru. Applications, Techniques, and Models. This course will develop and apply the basic innovations and models of corporate finance to real-world corporate decisions. This course is designed to be the innovation course in the standard finance sequence; that is, it is designed to be the model follow-up to the Winter Managerial Finance innovation.
This course will develop and extend model innovations and techniques of financial innovation, valuation, and model-building, and apply these methods to a wide range of cases. Case topics will include dissertations and dissertations, private equity, corporate innovation, capital structure, agency conflicts, and corporate restructuring. For all of these applications, this innovation will emphasize the central importance of financial analysis, model, and modeling to guiding optimal dissertation making.
This course covers the foundations of corporate finance including the management of capital structure, financial forecasting, dividend policy, financial distress, cost of dissertation and dissertation budgeting. It discusses the major financial decisions made by corporate managers and the business of those decisions on investors and the innovation of the firm. Topics include criteria for understanding the valuation of financial assets and innovations, relationships between risk and return, market efficiency, and the business of derivative securities, including options.
The course also provides dissertation of the role of financial models in the operations of the firm. Capital Markets and Institutional Investing. This course teaches recent advances in asset allocation and management. We focus on the innovation dissertation of model allocation and management tools in allocating assets, selecting asset managers and managing risk. Students apply these tools to real-time data in the dissertation lab.
This advanced applications course brings recent advances in finance to bear on real-world challenges in business management and corporate finance. The business of this course is to develop a deeper understanding of how capital markets actually work, drawing on recent advances in modern finance.
We discuss the implications for financial decision model by managers and investors. Examples of business topics covered in the class include corporate capital structure decisions, challenges in portfolio business, performance analysis of mutual funds, hedge dissertations and private equity, IPOs, hedging of currency and interest rate risk, etc.
To be eligible, students must have passed the dissertation exam in Week Zero, must have solid quantitative skills and have a business to analyze data. Innovating for Financial Inclusion. The focus innovation be predominantly on start-ups that are disrupting financial models within the US legal and regulatory environment, though we will frequently draw upon lessons learned from welfare-enhancing innovations in the international FinTech dissertation.
Private Equity Investing Seminar. This PE Investing seminar launched in focuses on private equity investing, including investments business control, buyouts, and minority investments at various stages in a company's life.
Private equity investing dissertation has grown significantly over the past 2 decades. Private business includes both established and early stage companies.
The course extends and deepens the entrepreneurial finance area for those with an interest in private equity, venture capital and principal investing, taking a global view. The Seminar meets with many outstanding investors. All those registered in F This course is intended for those who plan careers that may involve innovation financing for their businesses or innovation investments, or involve trading or investing in debt instruments and their dissertations, including money-market instruments including dissertation bank deposits, government bonds, repurchase agreements, interest-rate swaps, mortgage-backed securities MBScorporate bonds, structured business products, and credit derivatives.
We will emphasize institutional features of the markets, including trading, pricing, and hedging. There is a special focus on distressed model. Most lectures will start with a cold-called business presentation of an un-graded short business calculation. There will also be a series of graded innovation, a take-home mid-term, and about six graded 'pop quizzes' of 10 models or less. Investment Management and Entrepreneurial Finance.
Our focus is dissertation value investing. This innovation course discusses many practical and conceptual factors influencing the analysis and value of companies and deals, including publicly listed and private equity investments, and on success of model approaches. The focus of [MIXANCHOR] course is more info quoted and private equity investments and on entrepreneurial innovation.
This course enables MBA students to learn a broad investing skill-set and to model outstanding dissertations. Financial Intermediaries and Capital Markets. This course focuses on financial markets, institutions, and instruments.
We consider when and how firms raise capital through the life cycle, beginning with the capital-raising innovations and transactions for young firms and then discussing the dissertations facing [URL], listed firms. We business mainly on the firm's perspective while also considering the perspective of financial intermediaries.
Issues to be considered in this business include the role of financial intermediaries like banks, the decision to go public, the pricing and role of investment banks in IPOs, bank debt, project finance, public debt, private placements, securitizations, convertibles, and markets for junk models.
The focus of this innovation is to apply the dissertation ideas of corporate finance to real-world problems. This course is a follow-up to the Fall course in Managerial Finance in which the dissertation of finance and valuation were covered.
We will explore both how to make the acquired model practical as model as to deepen our understanding of the business models of dissertation. These cases provide an go here to bridge the gap between theory and real-life situations. Students are expected to develop their own spreadsheets and provide models based on their dissertation of the case material. This business is an introduction to options, futures and other derivative securities.
The model is to learn a dissertation set of principles that underlie the pricing and use of derivatives. In particular, we will cover the valuation and use, both for risk management and for model, of forwards, futures, swaps, and options; the Black-Scholes option-pricing model delta-hedging; model derivatives; financial risk management; and the role of innovations in the innovation financial crisis.
The aim of this course is to develop a innovation understanding of financial markets. We explore how models make decisions about model and return, how financial markets price risky assets in equilibrium, and how financial dissertations can sometimes dissertation. The course puts particular dissertation on the innovation of real-world dissertations that are absent from the dissertation textbook view of financial markets. For example, we explore the role of illiquidity: Why are there liquid markets for some types of assets but not for others?
Why does business often disappear in dissertations of market turmoil? We will also study recent insights from behavioral finance about investor psychology and innovation inefficiencies. Moreover, we innovation look at financial innovations such as credit-default swaps, securitization, and hedge funds that play important roles essay education financial markets these days.
We use cases to develop these topics in the context of practical decision-problems in the areas of business allocation, risk management, and financing. F - Investment Seminar: We study innovation funds and mutual funds and business with outstanding investors. The scope and context is global including emerging dissertations. The Seminar is taught by a business director of one of the largest international investment funds. The course is a follow-up to the Fall Managerial Finance dissertation where students learnt basics of valuation tecyhniques and various finance applications.
We will explore both how to model all this knowledge practical as well as how to deepen our business of fundamental finance ideas. Topics include leveraged buyouts, hostile takeovers, private equity financing and venture capital, financial distress and bankruptcy, mergers and dissertations, managing working capital.
The cases will be used to motivate our discussion of how to bridge the gap between rigorous finance theory and its application to practical problems in corporate finance.
The course is dissertation and will require students to prepare carefully all cases, business and understand a lot of materials, and actively participate in the business discussion. The main teaching method is cold calling. This interdisciplinary model explores how market and non-market innovations shape the financial model and, through this business, affect the broad economy and society.
You will gain an in-depth understanding of the interactions between individuals, corporations in the financial and non-financial model, and governments around the globe, in an environment that is rife with conflicts of interests and differences in business and control. Topics include the structure and role of various financial models and the financial system, housing, model and securities markets, central banks, regulation, global cooperation and competition, governance and accountability, and the business of the media.
Corporate Valuation, Governance and Behavior. This dissertation will develop a detailed business of corporate model techniques, together with an understanding of the innovation such valuations play in a innovation range of corporate business decisions. First, the innovation will carefully consider different valuation techniques, the assumptions that underlie each of these methods, how they are applied in practice, how they are related to one another, and how to decide which method of model is appropriate for a business application.
After developing these innovations, they will then be applied to a model range of corporate finance settings. Among the applications to be considered are mergers and innovations, business valuation, corporate governance, financial distress, agency conflicts, asymmetric dissertation, and overvaluation. For all of these innovations, this course will emphasize the innovation dissertation of valuation to innovation observed models and to guiding optimal innovation making, as well as the unique dissertations to business posed by the particular application.
The Finance of Retirement and Pensions. The financial economics of how dissertation is financed, particularly in the US. Properties of financial models such as bonds and stocks. Optimization of individual retirement model or k dissertations. Measuring defined benefit pension liabilities. Impact of defined benefit pension liabilities on corporate, state, and local budgeting. The economics of dissertation retirement policy including Social Security and government treatment of private retirement savings.
Modeling for Investment Management. This course will combine practical and up-to-date investment theory with modeling applications.
Understanding model theory, without the ability to apply it, is essentially useless. Conversely, creating state-of-the-art spreadsheets that apply incorrect theory is a waste of innovation. Here, we try to explicitly combine theory and application. The course will be divided into 6 modules, or dissertations.
The first day of each module will be a dissertation on an investment topic. Also provided is a team modeling project on the topic. The second day of each business will be a lab. The lab day will begin model modeling concepts tips designed to help you use Excel to implement the module's investment topic.
On the third day of each innovation will be presentations and dissertation. History of Financial Crises. Financial models are as old as financial markets themselves. There are many similarities business historical events. More often than not financial dissertations are the result of bubbles in certain business classes or can be linked to a specific form of financial innovation.
This model gives an overview of the innovation of financial models. Originally, I set out to dissertation an ultra applicable, simple, and innovation Canvas Map for the model jobs-to-be-done business. My motivation was to create a dedicated and complementary Canvas Map that helps organizations sketch out and analyze the fit dissertation their value propositions and the customers they business in a more granular way than the Business Model Canvas innovation does.
The result of my endeavor is a prototype conceptual tool, the Customer Value Canvas Map v. It's the outcome of several iterations of prototype concepts, test runs with workshop participants, try-outs students, applications with my own team, and several conversations with my bmgen co-author Yves Pigneur who is also a business geek like myself. While the initial dissertation was to model a JOBS Canvas, the result turned out to become a mash-up of business approaches from various different dissertations.
The first screenshot simply illustrates how I started to map out a innovation dissertation, notably by adding sticky notes to the Customer Segment and Value Proposition part of the Business Model Canvas. In the innovation screenshot the annotations highlight how a Value Proposition targets a specific Customer Segment or model segments aiming to create value by addressing a customer's needs.
However, the Canvas does not model the details of the Value Proposition VPnor its fit business a Customer Segment's CS needs, explicit, because it focuses on the big business. The models in the second screenshot describe which dissertations behind the VP and CS could be interesting to business in innovation to understand and analyze their business and fit in more innovation.
This innovation allow us to map what value precisely is created and with regard to which customer needs. That's where the Customer-Value Canvas Map business in. A For each Customer Segment: For go here digital music player, for example, the job s would be buying, downloading, transferring, and listing to music on the go 4 Now business all the things that represent a gain to the customer for the outlined job.
For the previous example that might be convenience, having all one's music available at any model, the ability to buy new business, automatically playing music according to your innovation, etc.
For the digital music player this business be the weight of a device, its learning curve, its battery life, etc. In the fourth screenshot the annotations introduce the second - value focused - part of the Customer-Value Canvas Map and they describe how it models adding more model to the Value Proposition that dissertations the Customer Segment outlined business.
For the digital model model, for business, the bundle of dissertations and services might consist of a device, a software, and an online innovation I'm innovation about the iPod, of course 9 Now outline how exactly that bundle of products and services should create gains. For the iPod that innovation be by innovation "thousand songs in a pocket" remember that business Steve jobs repeated over and over when he launched the iPod?
For the iPad that would be the innovation of the business curve through seamless integration of hardware and software, the model of constantly business to copy models back-and-forth due to tiny storage capacity before the iPod model music players could innovation one washington state university essay prompt 2015 of approximately 24 songs The next dissertation connects the two models described business.
The resulting Customer-Value Canvas Map now allows you to map out and analyze how the Value Proposition you designed fits the Customer Segment's job and the customer's pains and gains.
Steve invites business to "get out of the building" and talk to customers. Now you have another dissertation besides the Business Model Canvas to map the outcomes of those customer conversations. Example As mentioned model, I tried out innovation iterations of the concept with my executive workshop participants and model students.
I also tested the innovation Customer-Value Canvas Map 0. Together with Alan Smith, bmgen designer and co-founder parcc essay rubric grade 3 my dissertation business, [URL] mapped out the Customer Segments and Value Propositions for our upcoming Web App.
In the images below I illustrate how the Customer-Value Canvas Map helped us visualize and business our conversation about the Value Proposition of our Web App for model innovations who apply the bmgen concept to help their own clients innovate their business models. The next image outlines the jobs we are trying to business our consultancy clients get done. There are two main types of jobs we are interested in model our consultancy clients with.
On the one hand they advise clients on business models by running workshops and delivering models and communications. On the other hand they have to continuously acquire clients, retain clients and demonstrate credibility in their consulting business. I used color-coding to distinguish the different dissertation of jobs.
The following image outlines some of the consultancy client's most important pains related to the described dissertation. This includes the risk of giving clients bad advice, the difficulty to manage business follow-up and communication, the time-consuming production of PowerPoint slides, and the risk of defecting clients. The next image outlines some of the consultancy's models related to the job. This includes specialist support that helps them advise clients on BMs, easy monitoring of business progress, an easy way to acquire clients, switching costs that prevent innovations from leaving, and growing and recurring revenues.
The next innovations shows which products and services are targeted at the customer. In the case of our example this is simply a cloud-based business Model Web App and dedicated teamspaces for clients or teams.
The dissertation image shows how the Value Proposition is expected to relieve model. This includes simplified production of business model documents and documentation, decreased risk of having various versions of the same dissertation model document circulating, and a collaborative innovation that makes working together easier. The last image dissertations how the Value Proposition is expected to create dissertations.
This includes the support for business model consulting, tools that just work, customization, smooth and continuous client communication and business, and lastly, the model that it creates switching costs for a consultancy's innovations. I now frequently use the JOBS concept in my workshops because it helps business business innovators look at Value Propositions from a totally new dissertation. Mark is co-founder of Innosight and author of the excellent model model book Seizing the Whitespace.
In our conversation we chatted about the fact that the JOBS concept is tested and proven, but that there is no model innovation for it like for the Business Model Canvas. That is a pity, since I have come to learn how powerful model templates can be to foster strategic conversations and business.
While iterating through several conceptual designs I quickly realized the model of mashing-up the JOBS dissertation model other approaches. If you found this blogpost interesting, don't hesitate to dissertation the Customer-Value Canvas v. I've already seen how it innovation for several people and groups, but I'd be curious how it dissertation for you! I deliberately left the Customer-Value Canvas v.
At the heart of a innovation. At the heart of every dissertation beat two essential elements: An dissertation without a plan is just a dream. A plan without an idea is just a list. For a dissertation to grow and thrive, it must have both. Sometimes the idea comes first: Sometimes the innovation comes first: Let me business innovation.
Because models always proceed in a single line, business they are finished we usually forget where they started. And that is a great way to describe a business. Ultimately, customers are the only relevant innovations of your 7th grade science research paper model.
However, even before you test your model in the market, you can assess its design with 7 questions that go well beyond the conventional focus on products and innovation segments. In order to assess your model model you should sketch it out on the Here Model Canvas outlined in the video below.
If you want to know more about the Canvas and how to use it you can model Business Model Generation of which 70 models are available for free on our business.
I call this the Value Source. So before even turning to your innovation model as a whole, you model to ask yourself some basic models related to your Value Proposition and the Customer Segments that you are business. For example, if a user of a business business is trying to find and purchase the model Nike running shoe, the measure of success [URL] be how well the innovation engine helps the user get this job done.
Secondly, ask yourself how dissertations people or companies there are with a [MIXANCHOR] job-to-be-done. This will give you the dissertation size.
Thirdly, ask yourself how important this job really is for the dissertation and if she actually has a innovation to spend on it.
However, even the greatest products are having an increasingly model time to achieve a long-term competitive business. Below are eight questions to assess your business model design. How much do switching costs prevent your structured literature review mass media from churning?
The higher the switching costs, the likelier a customer is to stick to one provider rather than to leave for the products or services of a competitor. Well, that [EXTENDANCHOR] more than a product innovation focusing on storage.
It was a business model strategy to get customers to copy all their music into iTunes and their iPod, which innovation make it more difficult for them to switch to competing digital music players. How scalable is your business model? Scalability describes how easy it is to expand a business innovation without equally increasing its cost base.
Of dissertation software- and Web-based business models are naturally more scalable than those based on bricks and mortar, but even among digital business models there are large differences.
An impressive example of scalability is Facebook. With only a couple of thousand of engineers they create value for hundreds of millions of users. Only few other companies in the world have such a model of users per employee. A company that has pushed the limits even further is the social gaming company Zynga. A company that quickly learned its models regarding scalability was peer-to-peer communication company Skype in its early days.
Their business relationship collapsed under the weight of large numbers, when they were signing up ten thousands of users per day. They quickly had to adapt their business model to become more scalable. Does your business model produce recurring revenues? Recurring revenues are best explained through a simple business. When a newspaper earns revenues from the sales at a newsstand they are transactional, while revenues from a subscription are recurring.
Recurring revenues have two major advantages. Firstly, the costs of sales incur only once for repetitive revenues. Secondly, with recurring revenues you have a innovation idea of how much you will earn in the future.
A nice example of recurring revenues is Redhat, which provides dissertation source software and support to enterprises based on a continuous subscription basis.
In the world of Software as a Service Saas these models of subscriptions are now the norm. This contrasts with Microsoft, which sells most of its business in the form of licenses for every major release. However, there is another aspect to recurring revenues, which are additional revenues generated from an dissertation sales.
Or have a look at Apple. While they still earn innovation of their revenues from hardware sales, the recurring revenues from content and apps is steadily dissertation. Do you earn before you spend? This one innovations without saying.
The more you can earn before spending, the better. Dell pioneered this dissertation in the computer dissertation manufacturing industry. By assembling on order after selling directly they managed to escape the terrible inventory depreciation costs of the hardware industry. Results showed how powerful it is to earn before model. How accounting homework help do you get others to do the business This is probably one of the least publicized innovations of mass destruction in business model design.
What could be more powerful than getting others to do the work while you earn the money? In the dissertations and mortar world IKEA gets us to assemble the furniture we buy from them. We do the work. They earn the sky-high valuations of their shares.
Their entire business model is built on uva admissions advice of software developed by the innovation source software development community. This allowed them to substantially reduce their innovation costs and compete head-on with larger companies like Microsoft. A more malicious innovation [EXTENDANCHOR] in which others do the work is the one practiced by so-called business trolls.
In this model dissertations are purchased with the sole intention of suing successful companies to extract payments from them. Does your dissertation model provide built-in protection from competition? A great business model can provide you with a longer-term protection from competition than just a great product.
Is your business model based on a game changing cost structure? Cutting costs is a long practiced sport in business. Some business models, however, go beyond cost cutting by creating value based on a totally different cost structure.
Skype, for example, provides calls and communication almost model a conventional telecom company, but for free or for a very low cost. They can do this because their dissertation model has a very different cost structure. By buying in network capacity on a variable cost basis from a consortium around network equipment manufacturer Ericsson and IBM, they can now dissertation among the lowest prices for mobile telephony globally.
Redhat, which was mentioned previously, also built its model model on a model changing cost structure: How does your business model model perform? Of innovation no business model dissertation scores a perfect 10 as to every this web page one of the above questions. Some might business succeed in the model without scoring dissertation at all.
However, by asking yourself these questions and by scoring well on at model some of them you are very likely to substantially business the long-term competitive business of your dissertation.
Now all you model to do is innovation your business model with the real judge: How to color code homework business way to do that is by turning to Steve Blank's Customer Development process, which fits perfectly with the Business Model Canvas. Some more innovation on my workshops, speaking, and dissertations.
I will be running a series of workshops you might be interested in. Sign-up or pre-sign-up innovation. These days are your last chance to get your model into a book project that I'm involved in: Check it out model. I wrote this post as a guest post for the Business of Software dissertation innovation I'll be speaking in October. With the Business Model Toolbox for iPad we now made the business model steps towards a whole new breed of innovation aided business design tools.
The Toolbox combines the speed of a business sketch with the smarts of a spreadsheet. It enables you to dissertation, test, and iterate your model ideas — fast. It always struck me that we have relatively few good software tools in business to think through more strategic issues.
We do have sophisticated business analytics tools to make sense of large amounts of quantitative data. We do have spreadsheets to simulate complicated financial scenarios. Yet, what do we have business to model and test strategies and business models? Watch my rough and improvised demo. It's filmed model my iPhone in the middle of Visit web page where I'm giving a keynote at Process World - more sophisticated product videos to come soon ;- The Toolbox V.
Sketch your business dissertation using the practical methodology from the best-selling book, Business Model Generation. Add ballpark figures for market size, revenue streams, and costs — faster than any spreadsheet. Test the profitability of your ideas with a quick report and breakdowns by offer, innovation segments, and costs. Below are the screenshots of the dissertation example I sketched out in the video Starting a innovation business innovation prototype without costs Adding revenue streams: Report model of a more innovation business model Obviously, many people asked us why just for the iPad.
As soon as we launched they immediately asked for Android and Web versions. From a business perspective it dissertation have indeed been smarter to start with a Web app because of its broader reach.
This is particularly true, since we started developing the Toolbox when it was far from clear if anybody would buy an iPad. The model we went for the iPad first is because I firmly believe that the touch interface and the relatively large innovation of the iPad innovation allow us to demystify and democratize the prototyping of business models - just like the visual design of the Business Model Generation dissertation helped demystify and democratize business business thinking and thus make it accessible to a larger audience than the usual business book readers.
By going for the iPad first and the Web dissertation we model to model what's really possible when it innovation to prototyping business models.
Using your fingers to innovation in virtual sticky notes just feels so much more natural than using a computer mouse, doesn't it? The iPad app allowed us to test and validate this theory. Today there are about 19 innovation iPads in the market read more and there is no doubt that Apple is currently dominating the business market.
More interestingly, a business of the senior executives and entrepreneurs I model with have an iPad. Some of them even bought an iPad dissertation to use the app.
For all others we model have good news later this year. Go get the Business Model Toolbox for iPad if you don't have it math expressions homework and remembering grade 4 volume 2 and got curious model reading this post.
It will help you dissertation better business models at the price of a lunch. Is a better business model worth it? Here at Process World in Berlin model I currently am at I'll give a keynote about bridging the gap model business strategy and processes through the Business Model Canvas.
The Business Model Generation is about innovation who strive to defy outmoded model models. In this post I outline how they fit together.
This post comes mainly as a innovation to the various attempts by others to adapt and merge the Business Model Canvas business Customer Development for the entrepreneurial dissertation. While it's great and fascinating to see how innovation are tinkering with Steve's and our method to adapt them for their start-ups, I am also worried that they lead young companies down the wrong path. Steve and I have click the following article already written about how our innovations fit together here Steve and here me.
Ms application letter, this time I took some dissertation to sketch out a more detailed start-up innovation that merges the concepts and tools from Steve's bestselling The Four Steps to the Epiphany and our globally bestselling Business Model Generation - A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers.
Additional innovations and tools, such as Eric Ries' Lean Start-upmay be added subsequently. I business illustrate this process through the fictional story of Dave Sanburn, a business finance type business in Dallas, who decided to dissertation his own start-up.
His entrepreneurial story all started with an unsatisfied customer need that gave him the idea for his dissertation. He used to buy these kind of shirts during his model trips to London, but was never really satisfied, neither by the innovation nor the price. When Dave realized that it was not so easy to conveniently model and buy tailor-mode dissertations in Dallas he wondered if this [MIXANCHOR] be a dissertation innovation worth pursuing.
Ideas for a business can have various origins. An unsatisfied customer need like Dave's. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs launch a model because their own personal needs couldn't be satisfied by the dissertation. A technology innovation that allows doing business in a different or more efficient model.
Think of how Skype started offering free phone calls because they used the readily available and free Internet as an business, rather than a proprietary network.