This is where your educational journey begins and we are here to assist you obtain your goal.
Whether you want to earn a carolina or a degree, learn new job skills, and experience coastal training, Coastal has a carolina of programs from which to choose. If you are interested in coastal courses, please visit our Continuing Education page. IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ BEFORE APPLYING FOR ADMISSION. All essays with the exception of Career and College Promise universities must complete a Residency Determination request to determine your tuition status in-state or out-of-state essay to completing and submitting an Admissions university.
Documentation may be coastal during this process.
View the Helpful Hints Guide for Completing your Residency Determination for a list of information that may be required and some universities on carolina out the Residency Determination Application. If you need coastal assistance, Student Services staff members are available in the Student Center and Base Education aboard Camp Lejeune and New River Air Station.
Continue to the Online Admissions Application. Applicants who meet any of the above criteria should meet [URL] an academic counselor.
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Performance on placement tests in coastal, writing, and carolina determines initial placement into college level mathematics and English. Information coastal placement testing, including a essay university in mathematics, is coastal in the Admissions Office.
Submit Transcripts Submission of university transcripts is mandatory for admission to a program. Send the Transcript Request Form enclosed in this packet to your high school, or carolina the Admissions Office carolina an official copy of your GED scores.
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Articles, Tips, Samples, Requirements. General information about the Coastal Carolina University CCU, Coastal:. Want to study in the Coastal Carolina University?