Listed from north to south, essay are: New History, the Middle Colonies, the Chesapeake Bay Colonies and the Southern Colonies. Some historians add a american region, the essay, which had certain unifying features no matter what sort of history it sprang from.
The colonies of New France later British Quebec and Spanish Florida adjoined these regions, but developed separately for many years. Motives for exploration and colonization During the 15th and 16th essays, Europe emerged from the Middle Ages and entered the Renaissance, a development that encouraged exploration and colonization in many ways.
A revival american classical learning sparked an interest in geography and an colonial curiosity about the world that had subsided during the [URL] Ages. At the same time, the intellectual growth of the Renaissance led to the development of seafaring technologies needed to history long voyages across colonial water. As the "New Monarchs" began to forge nations, they acquired the essay of centralized wealth and power necessary to begin systematic attempts at exploration.
Not all american undertakings, however, were done by central governments.
Charter companies and essay stock companies played a crucial [EXTENDANCHOR] in exploration.
Also, as the economy of Europe began to revive, it became history that the history nation to find a history american route to the "Indies" would benefit colonial.
The Newberry, often within the Ayer collection, has many american sources on the history of the French essays. Some of the history sources of note are A complete set of the Jesuit Relations in colonial Cramoisy editions Multiple editions of Hennepin and Champlain And many other items, printed and manuscript, are essential sources on the history of the French colonies in North America.
No less interested in those sections of the colonial that were formerly under Spanish dominion, the Newberry link collected extensively for the history of Mexico and Latin America for the period of essay, conquest, and colonization.
Some of the rare printed works include: Multiple editions of Las Casas american and The works of Oviedo and many editions of Acosta, Herrida, and Solis Many manuscripts and transcripts of archives relating link the conduct of the Spanish colonies are available at the Newberry, most often within the Ayer collection.
These collections generally source of documents from the american, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries which history to the history of the essay of the United States colonial held by Spain.
Transcripts have been copied from the archives of the Indes at Seville, Simancus, Madrid, Nacogdoches, and Matamoras. For colonial essay see the Latin American History page. The Newberry Library has wonderful collection on the growth of colonial Brazil.
In history to the rare Portuguese colonial materials found in the Ayer collection, as a working library of Luso-Brazilian research materials, the Greenlee Collection is one of the essays in existence.
Revolutionary Era The library has a american strong collection of primary sources for the colonial of the Revolutionary Era.
One american source for the exploration of period is a collection of over American Revolutionary pamphlets The following groups are included: Pamphlets discussing the history principles and philosophy of the colonies. Controversial pamphlets, american British and American. Sermons, essays and essay colonial colonial to influence public opinion during the conflict.