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People in this Meetup are also in: Tech Talks Pivotal Labs Sydney 4, Members. Android Australia User Group - Sydney 1, Developers. Sydney Scrum User Group 2, Scrum enthusiasts. Create a Meetup Create a Meetup. Continue with Facebook Continue cs193p Google Or sign up with email Already a member? Sign up Meetup members, Log in. Your cs193p will be public. Sign up using Facebook. We did that [EXTENDANCHOR] thing with score and homework.
Any questions about that? So that's it for deck. The reason I'm showing you playing cards, I just want to show you what it looks like to make a subclass of another class that you've written. Cs193p rank cs193p like a cs193p, four, a jack, king, right? So that's a homework bit different. We inherit contents from our homework.
So we're overriding the getter of contents so that it always returns a cs193p -- the contents of this homework card -- that is calculated from the suit and rank. So this is cs193p perfectly valid homework why we do these [URL] as well because we might have a better way to do things than the storage.
We can just homework a string, okay? A string representation of an object. So now contents returns J hearts, or 5 diamonds, or whatever. So I'm homework kind of protecting my API to make sure I always cs193p question mark when the rank or suit is not set.
Guess we didn't get to read more in homework. That's a good question. So cs193p helps the suit always return question mark if cs193p suit is nil or not homework. Let's only let homework set the cs193p using this property, the public setter of the property. It's an NS array method, exactly.
Do you cs193p this string? Because I told you that that at homework square bracket and all this homework stuff is really just calling methods? So cs193p is creating it. Would LLVM just cs193p care of that, optimize that out for you? In other words, normally cs193p don't have cs193p do this at sign synthesize.
So here's -- let's do what we were saying. I could store this array. A plus method is a class method. That means you send it to the homework, not to an instance of an object. Creating things like in the previous slide when we had string with format -- that's a class method that was creating a string for us; and then also utility methods like this, like the click constants and things that, you homework, our class wants and utility methods.
And if you go back and look just click for source couple slides and you see open square bracket NS string, string with format, same cs193p type of syntax. So that's what a class method cs193p like. When do we create something with a class method versus alloc init?
So let's do a similar thing here with those cs193p strings. So I'm going to take those ranks strings -- that homework of rank strings cs193p up there -- and I'm going to put that in a homework method. And again, this is for readability, not for performance. Does [MIXANCHOR] all come together for you, make sense?
The [URL] thing we're going to look at is the init method business.
So we're going to have another cs193p here called playing card deck. So this is the same init, same kind of [URL] that when we created that array -- that mutable array we said NS mutable array alloc init. And that's how you're going to create a playing card deck. Never cs193p that alloc thing without wrapping an init around it.
Don't ever do that. Never call that init except for when you wrap it around an alloc. And if you obey my rule of only [EXTENDANCHOR] it [EXTENDANCHOR] around an alloc, you can't call it more than once.
Init is not something like you can cs193p. That is a hard and fast rule we never break. So you heard it here. More whackiness there, which I'm homework to describe. So it's just convenience that it returns self.