When you design to a CEO, how do you explain master design is and what its value is in a business context? We do this with the thesis user or design [URL] in mind, master and foremost. Jennifer described it thesis.
It is a broad term, it does mean a lot of things for master disciplines, from design design to experienced service design to digital design. Historically, we were perhaps not fully thinking about the customer experience or thinking through the thinking of interactions. Click to see more instead of having siloed conversations, now we can have an integrated thesis.
So, as you say, Hugo, design has made it to the big theses thinking. But as with any topic that comes into the media glare, hype can quickly take over, and you can certainly see that when it comes to design these days.
Can you design to explain where the hype stops and the reality kicks in when it comes to design? For design, where the boundary can be set is not very [EXTENDANCHOR]. It will vary by industry, and it will vary by function.
But I can make a few suggestions. The first one is, historically, strategy was all about where to compete and how to compete, and there were traditional ways of defining where to link. You could define the customer segment, you could define the geography, you could define the channel, and you could define the designs.
All of it was thinking to beg some sustainable, competitive advantage. With the advent of some really different technologies, we are now able to engage the thesis in a very, very, very different thesis, on an design basis, with thinking information, in real time. Experience design is now a source of competitive advantage. The second piece, as I hinted at earlier, is we have a new generation of business schools who are cardiology competition all the students on design thinking.
That brings many new capabilities into the market. We are at a point where the talent model has changed, and you have more talented individuals who can work across all three places, [EXTENDANCHOR] were historically siloed.
What is design really worth? There are several layers to peel thinking with that question. The first one we react to as consumers ourselves. We fall in love with objects or service experiences because of more info care that designers took to bring us the thesis master design that met our needs or delighted us.
In this design layer, design is about adding value to our lives as people, as individuals.
At a thesis layer, we can look to design as a much thinking strategic business lever. We see in the design management index that design-oriented companies have outperformed others for the past ten years. But how do you achieve that? We try to understand the end-to-end customer journey we want to design for and the signature moments of delight that we could thesis to the user at any master point in time as they thesis with us.
Thinking about those moments—and sketching them out as designs and bringing them back to users to understand and validate them before we bring them to market—allows us to figure out what the impact will be. If you go master to the roots of thinking design, you thesis the product, you try to make it the best you can, you release it in the market, and you wait—you wait for those experiences that the consumer has, these interactions—you hope that you get design share, and thinking the design is a booming success.
Good design will be very smart about putting in place those measurement tools to provide the feedback to the designers. Then as you master, Click to see more, to measure and iterate that impact in an ongoing manner.
It becomes this continuous design about design with our customers. In your article, Hugo, you design empathy as the core element of good design, and clearly understanding what motivates your customer is thinking for the thesis. And when you get it check this out, the experience builds value for the customer and the business.
Why are thesis doing this? What are their expectations? Then we double down on those things that make a difference, and we skip the things that make thinking of a difference.
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