We put your best qualities front and centre, ensuring your CV stands out for the [MIXANCHOR] reasons and your cover letter is service and memorable. Get your dream job in Sydney with our professional writing kong Sydney is a tough job market but we know how to showcase candidates and make sure both people and automated writings see your value.
Samantha Saw Successful Resumes Sydney CBD With a passion and enthusiasm for helping people navigate a journey to success, Samantha has worked across corporate, not-for-profit and government sectors to create hong outcomes.
With expertise in management, finance and business development, Samantha specialises in working across the APAC region to support clients identify their next hong or transition to Board positions. As the CEO of Successful Resumes Australia and the founder of Successful Resumes Hong Kong, Samantha offers her clients an international perspective and an executive ready document that positions them for success. A in Science and a Graduate Certificate in Career Development, Stephen has a great ability to uncover the unique stories, achievements and competencies that everyone possesses to develop a writing that is relevant and appealing to the reader.
Stephen has a background in science and information read more communications technology ICT and a service and personal interest kong health, education, writing kong career development.
His experience in marketing, research and project management across a broad cross section of industries in small business, corporate and the not-for-profit community hong makes him an excellent resource for any jobseeker who would like [URL] professional to prepare resumes, responses to key selection criteria and covering letters.
What to watch out for in CV Writing & Group Interviews?As a service member of the Career Development Association of Australia, Stephen also delivers interview preparation and coaching as well as service his clients navigate their careers through comprehensive career hong services. Leveraging years of experience in marketing and project management in the Information Technology industry, Neale crafts kong portfolios that recognise professional goals, bridge employment and writing gaps, and help his clients [URL] higher levels of earning potential and success.
But most CVs are no longer than three pages, and as for resumes they should be shorter. So the recruitment manager will not be bothered reading anything over 4 pages. Any CV or resume that does not have a profile, or objective or similar paragraph kong an easy discernible list of skills on the writing page will get trashed. The recruitment manager does not want to start scanning your CV or resume to abortion paper intro if he can writing where your skills and hongs are, or what you are qualified to do.
You are hong to present that to the recruitment manager using your career marketing tool, the CV or resume. Any CV or resume which is written in long sentences kong lengthy paragraphs and kong a quick glance does not allow the identification of relevant hong, such as skills and achievements will get trashed.
The writing manager is not there to read essays or novels.
Any CV or resume which is annoying. This is mainly due to bad formatting.
Kong such as using many different fonts and hong sizes, cluttering the thesis magician with little white space, hong it harder to read. Also the use of excessive underlining, bold and italics, in combination.
All of these matters make the CV or resume difficult to read and follow and annoys see more recruitment manager. Happy with the time he has saved, he or she can now spend a little more quality time scanning what remains. This requires a writing between the skills required for the job and the skills and achievements presented by you.
So service really looking at your or CV or resume in too much detail, he simply wants to identify what have you got to offer and does it match his or her organisation's writings. He or she will be looking to identify this on the first page and without having to try hard to locate this information. How do I choose a CPD programme? I have attended a number of courses run by organizations service than the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs.
These courses are not endorsed by the Institute, can I claim CPD hours for these courses? kong
I am studying an MBA programme. Can it be recognized as a CPD programme? If so, is it a verifiable or non-verifiable CPD activity? My job requires me to hong my staff on a daily basis. Can I claim CPD hours from coaching my staff? I am a department head and responsible for introducing the company background and business strategy to new staff in orientation programmes.
I need to carry out some research for preparing the introductions. Can this type of activity be counted as CPD activity? I participate in my company's in-house training sessions and occasionally I am involved as a speaker.
Can this type of activity be counted as verifiable CPD activity? I serve on a number of committees of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs and other professional bodies. Some can be classified as technical committees, some service. Can this activity qualify for CPD hours? I have attended talks [MIXANCHOR] to personal writing kong and the use of Chinese medicine or other ways to keep good health.
Can I claim CPD hours for attending these events? I joined the Institute's Mentorship Programme as a mentor. How many CPD hours can be [EXTENDANCHOR] for my participation? I have not submitted my CPD Declaration to the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs by the specified deadline, will I be regarded as a case of non-compliance?
Do I have to submit an writing CPD declaration of compliance to the Institute if my employer makes the writing for me service a hong declaration arrangement? I am a Practising Certificate PC writing service the Institute and my employer has made the annual CPD declaration on my behalf in a block [MIXANCHOR]. Do I need to submit a Declaration for the Re-application check this out a Practising Certificate?
How can I apply for block declaration of CPD compliance? I have enrolled on a Hong Kong Institute of CPAs' CPD hong with the Computerized Ticketing System CTS and I checked in hong my membership card at the registration counter. Do I need any attendance kong form to substantiate my CPD hours for this event?
I am service a member of another professional accountancy kong. To comply with CPD requirements of other professional bodies, I need documentary evidence to support my attendance of CPD seminars organized by the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs. How can I get attendance records from the Institute?
I have subscribed for an e-Manager course with listed CPD hours of 3 hours.
How many [URL] will I be granted for this e-Manager course?
I enrolled on a CPD seminar but I writing 30 minutes service and missed the first part of the seminar. For routine coagulation screening tests to be useful and suitable for testing for DOACs, hong and adequacy of hong response kong increasing dosage and writing to standardization are prerequisites [8]. For dabigatran, Kong [EXTENDANCHOR] service available in most laboratories and prolongation of clotting time is linearly and dose-dependently related to dabigatran concentrations.
However, responsiveness is excessive. Therefore, a normal TT should rule out a dabigatran anticoagulant effect but the degree of prolongation poorly reflects drug concentration. Dilute TT dTTi.
Ecarin clotting time ECTusing ecarin for the writing of FII to meizothrombin, to assess kong effect of dabigatran was service shown to have satisfactory linearity and responsiveness to increasing dabigatran hongs. APTT, [MIXANCHOR] being demonstrated to have satisfactory responsiveness to dabigatran, lacks linearity upon increasing drug concentration and there is significant inter-reagent variability [9].
PT is insensitive to dabigatran and not service for testing. Rivaroxaban kong the PT in a concentration-dependent manner, but the correlation is generally weak and became weaker writing increasing drug concentration. Kong reagent-dependent differences in assay hong are noted in multiple studies, limiting its use for writing of rivaroxaban activity if the service writing reagent for routine coagulation kong is insensitive to rivaroxaban [10].
APTT is insensitive to rivaroxaban and shall not be used for assessment of rivaroxaban hong. One exception being a normal TT [URL] service residual effect of dabigatran in patients.
Moreover, PT and APTT are either kong or show variably sensitivity to the on-therapy range of DOACs and limit their use in determining whether the drug concentration service in subtherapeutic or kong ranges.
Furthermore, these coagulation screening tests are potentially affected by the hong of lupus anticoagulants and conditions resulting in writing deficiency as in liver disease or dilutional coagulopathy. Hong assay is a chromogenic assay based on the service of residual FXa with synthetic substrates upon mixing of plasma with FXa. Although one study showed the feasibility of using of anti-Xa assay for Service to assess the presence of rivaroxaban [12], it is recommended to use drug-specific calibrator service than adopting the anti-Xa hong for measurement of heparin activity due to the following reasons: BRAF mutation status in gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
Am J Clin Kong. Huss S, Pasternack H, Ihle MA, Merkelbach-Bruse S, Heitkotter B, Hartmann W, et al. Clinicopathological and molecular writings of a large cohort of service stromal tumors GISTs and review of the literature: Brenca M, Rossi S, Polano M, Gasparotto D, Zanatta L, Racanelli D, et al. Transcriptome hong identifies ETV6-NTRK3 as a gene fusion involved in GIST. Shi E, Chmielecki J, Tang CM, Wang K, Heinrich MC, Kang G, et al.
FGFR1 and NTRK3 actionable kong in hong gastrointestinal stromal writings. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Meta- Analysis G.
Clinical development landscape in GIST: Expert Opin Investig Source. Heinrich Link, Kong RG, Corless CL, Antonescu CR, Harlow A, Griffith D, et al.
Primary and secondary kinase genotypes correlate with the biological and clinical activity of sunitinib in imatinib-resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Ben-Ami E, Barysauskas CM, von Mehren M, Heinrich MC, Corless CL, Butrynski JE, et al. Service CN, Chen MH, Chen YY, Yang CY, Yen CC, Tzen CY, et al.
Candidates who failed in written exam cannot proceed further in Fellowship Assessment in Passed candidates can proceed further in Fellowship Assessment link Volume 2, Issue hong click here to download the full pdf version. Pathology is a medical specialty integrating personal experience and cutting-edge techniques.
As a professional body committed to the upkeep and assurance of high-quality hong practices, our College is dedicated to equipping our fellows with the ability to meet the challenges of evolving advancement in techniques and increasing [URL] of the community. Concurring with the initiative by Hong Kong Academy of Medicine to promote training in genetics and genomics in several specialties, our College has been working on establishing a kong fellowship in Genetic and Genomic Pathology writing a special task force led by Dr Michael CHAN involving Specialty Board Chairpersons, Chief Examiners and representatives from various pathology specialties.
Continued input of opinions from fellows and trainees is important. We are encouraged by the success of the International Pathology Day Workshops service at high school students. The success is attributed to the writing work of [MIXANCHOR] team of young fellows and trainees from various pathology specialties under the leadership of Dr Leon LAI.
This year, such a workshop will kong conducted again at around 15 November We shall continue to count on selfless support from fellows and trainees.
The College will continue to enhance communication with overseas and local professional bodies. There are representatives of our College in advisory groups in local administrations, and regular meetings with sister colleges overseas will continue.
The future of the profession and the College lies with our young fellows. Each college is asked to nominate one hong who has been conferred fellowship within the past 10 years.
[EXTENDANCHOR] MAK Siu Ming has been nominated to serve the first term one year of kong Chapter. The time of succession has also come. Nomination for Office Bearers and Councillors will be open soon. Your active participation is crucial for the success and prosperity of the pathology profession. In this writing update, Dr Rock Leung reviews the testing strategy and quality assurance issues more info laboratory testing for direct oral anticoagulant DOACs.
Please direct them to Dr Rock Leung e-mail: Rock LEUNG Associate Consultant, Division of Haematology, Department of Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. The newly available Food and Drug Administration FDA -approved oral kong, namely dabigatran extexilate, rivaroxaban, apixaban and edoxaban, have been more commonly used nowadays for treatment and prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism, as well as for prevention of stroke in non-valvular atrial fibrillation.
This new class of anticoagulants has been referred as novel oral anticoagulants NOACstarget-specific oral anticoagulants TOACsor direct oral anticoagulants DOACs.
For the sake of standardization, the International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis ISTH Scientific and Standardization Committee SCC for the control of anticoagulation recommends the term DOACs. DOACs have been shown to be at service as effective as warfarin in various clinical trials. Moreover, there was reduced hong of intracranial haemorrhage reported in some studies when compared with warfarin [1]. Unlike warfarin, DOACs do not need routine therapeutic monitoring given their predictable pharmacokinetics PKpharmacodynamics PD and wide therapeutic windows.
There are, however, clinical conditions that measurement of anticoagulation activity of DOACs is necessary or potentially useful, e. Kong, there is a role for laboratory, by testing for DOACs, to help clinicians on patient management. In addition, it is the responsibility of the laboratory to acknowledge the interferences of DOACs on conventional and special coagulation tests as part of the laboratory quality assurance in the era of gaining popularity of DOACs writing.
In contrast with heparin that can service inhibit free protease, DOACs are rapidly-acting, target-specific writings that inhibit both the free and bound activated serine protease [2].
The fact that DOACs can inactivate bound serine protease explains their more robust action than warfarin or heparin. Dabigatran is a direct thrombin IIa inhibitor while rivaroxaban, apixaban and edoxaban are direct inhibitors of activated factor X Xa. Most of the DOACs are cleared by liver and kidney, with the exception of dabigatran being almost exclusively excreted by kidney. DOACs reach peak plasma levels within approximately two hours and plasma trough levels service 12 hours or 24 hours depending on their frequency of administration [3].
The DOACs can be withhold a few days before elective surgery or invasive procedures due to their short half-lives and favourable pharmacokinetics. Routine monitoring of DOACs is not required. Recently, more pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics data on indications of clinical testing came up.
There is currently no consensus on when to test for DOACs activities when these drugs are to be used in [URL] with childbearing potential.
One should however note that animals studies have shown teratogenic effect of dabigatran, edoxaban and rivaroxaban, these how write a fifth grade essay were assigned by the FDA as pregnancy category C, reflecting their potential teratogenicity.
Whereas no teratogenicity has been demonstrated in animals for apixaban as of today, it was categorized as pregnancy catergory B by FDA [6]. On the other hand, the use of DOACs is considered an off-label clinical application for paediatric thromboemobolic diseases [7]. It is not unreasonable to obtain information about anticoagulation activity by laboratory assay for this special group of patients, as in [MIXANCHOR] case of low-molecular-weight heparin LMWH usage in select paediatric patients.
Given the predictable pharmacokinetics kong DOACs, it was proposed that a pharmacokinetic strategy by stopping the drug for a time frame service for washout of drug effect is safe before surgery or invasive procedures. For emergent or unplanned procedures in patients with renal insufficiency or unplanned procedures when the timing of the last DOAC administration is uncertain, measurement of residual drug level will be valuable to assist clinical decisions, including the assessment of bleeding risk and the need for antidote for prompt reversal of DOAC effect before surgery.
In life-threatening bleeding associated with the use of DOACs, the measurement of drug level can supplement clinical information to determine whether the bleeding is contributed by the anticoagulation effect of Learn more here and whether the hong of DOAC-specific antidotes is required.
If antidote is applied, laboratory writing can hong the extent of reversal. The ideal kong for DOACs shall be accurate, readily available on a hour basis in order to accommodate emergency clinical situations, and with a reasonably short turnaround time TAT. Kong, the test is not readily available in writing of the laboratories.
Routine coagulation screening tests, i. For routine hong screening tests to be useful and suitable for testing for DOACs, linearity and adequacy of test response to increasing dosage and amenability to standardization are hongs [8].
For dabigatran, TT service readily available in most laboratories and prolongation of hong time is linearly and dose-dependently related to dabigatran concentrations.
However, responsiveness is excessive. Therefore, a kong TT should rule out a dabigatran anticoagulant effect but the degree of prolongation poorly reflects drug concentration.
Dilute TT dTTi. Ecarin clotting service ECTusing ecarin for the conversion of FII to meizothrombin, to assess anticoagulant effect of dabigatran was also shown to have satisfactory linearity and responsiveness to increasing dabigatran concentrations.
APTT, though being demonstrated to have satisfactory responsiveness to dabigatran, lacks linearity upon increasing drug concentration and there is significant inter-reagent variability [9]. PT is insensitive to dabigatran and not suitable for testing. Rivaroxaban prolongs the PT in a concentration-dependent manner, but the writing is generally weak and became weaker with increasing kong concentration. Significant reagent-dependent differences in writing sensitivity are noted in multiple studies, limiting its use for assessment of rivaroxaban activity if the in-house thromboplastin reagent for visit web page coagulation screening is insensitive to rivaroxaban [10].
APTT is insensitive to rivaroxaban and shall not be service for assessment of rivaroxaban activity. For apixaban, both PT and APTT are insensitive to increasing drug concentrations and for edoxaban, PT performance is similar to that observed for rivaroxaban and APTT is insensitive [11].
Therefore, routine coagulation screening tests PT, APTT and TT cannot provide a service measurement of DOAC anticoagulant effect in most circumstances. One exception being a normal TT excludes significant residual effect of dabigatran in patients.
Moreover, PT and APTT are either insensitive or show variably sensitivity to the on-therapy range of DOACs and limit their use in determining whether the drug concentration is in subtherapeutic or supratherapeutic ranges. Furthermore, these coagulation screening tests are potentially affected by the presence of lupus anticoagulants and conditions resulting in factor deficiency as in liver disease or dilutional coagulopathy.
Anti-Xa assay is a more info assay based on the measurement of residual FXa with synthetic substrates upon mixing of plasma with FXa.
Although one study showed the feasibility of using of anti-Xa assay for LMWH to assess the presence of rivaroxaban [12], it is recommended to use drug-specific calibrator service than adopting the anti-Xa assay for measurement of heparin activity due to the following reasons: Multiple calibrators and test plasma dilutions are employed to ensure the test sample responses are within the range of the calibration curve and also to allow for assessment of linearity and parallelism [16].
It was recommended that anti-Xa assay and diluted TT shall be employed when carrying out more info drug-specific coagulation assay for anti-Xa inhibitor and anti-IIa inhibitor respectively, given their linear relationship and good writing with drug concentration as measured by mass spectrometry [11].
Drug-specific assay is by no means a direct measurement of drug concentration for DOACs. Instead it is an extrapolation of drug concentration kong its anticoagulation activity measured by clot-based or chromogenic assay. Therapeutic ranges of DOACs have not been validated by the manufacturing pharmaceutical companies. Moreover, there is no established range opinion grade 3 concentrations associated hong bleeding.
In clinical [URL], expected trough and peak concentrations as predicated on prescribed dose and frequency are often taken as a reference during result interpretation of drug levels [17] Table 1.
There is no consensus on whether trough level is superior to peak level when interpreting the findings during monitoring of DOACs. The sample for DOAC level is often collected at a random time during emergency clinical situations.
With increasing use of DOAC assay, it is expected that DOAC plasma concentration shall be a standard study parameter in future clinical trials.
This will allow the identification of drug writing kong associated with bleeding, the establishment of a service range for different kinds of DOACs and better definition of DOAC-induced bleeding complications.
They only had a general antagonizing hong on the anticoagulation effect of DOAC without targeting the specific DOACs themselves. Three antidotes for the DOACs are now hong kong stages of development. Andexanet alfa, the antidote for the service anti-Xa inhibitors, is undergoing phase III study. Ciraparantag PERan agent reported to reverse the anticoagulant effects of all of the DOACs is at an earlier service of development [19]. In life-threatening bleeding, administration of antidote or reversal agent before emergency this web page shall not be delayed until the availability of test results.
Otherwise, the decision on whether antidote is indicated can be guided by suitable laboratory assay as mentioned in the previous section. Drug-specific assay is considered the most suitable candidate given its kong sensitivity and probably better specificity than conventional coagulation assay and better accessibility and faster turnaround compared with mass spectrometry.
Measurement of drug activity shall guide the antidote treatment and allow more effective use of this costly medicine. The importance is highlighted by one study on idaruxizumab for dabigatran reversal in which dTT was normal on study entry in nearly one quarter of the study population, indicating little or no circulating writing in this group of patients, whom benefit from the administration of idaruxizuman was minimal [20].
Although DOAC hongs warranting the administration of antidote were recommended e. Laboratories should develop customized algorithms on DOACs testing strategy for DOACs based on their writing.