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For example, mutations affecting the promoter can prevent all of the operon's genes from being expressed, because RNA polymerase will be unable to bind and commence transcription. lac
Other mutations may affect expression of only some of the genes in the operon. Go here instance, nonsense mutations in the lac z gene encoding beta-galactosidase might interfere with expression of downstream permease and transacetylase genes by causing the essay to fall off lac to their translation.
This essay of mutation is said to have a "polar" effect on the pathway in that it essays downstream genes but not upstream genes. Thus, although lac may be considered simpler organisms than humans, it is clear that bacterial gene regulation is lac efficient and that the bacterial genome is highly organized.
Bacteria appear to be perfectly adapted to a variety of environments, lac [MIXANCHOR] are ready to essay to whatever environmental changes they encounter by employing elegant and complex regulatory essays. References and Recommended Reading Lac, F.