Deadly Niger ambush investigation Rescued sailors under scrutiny LuLaRoe accused chile pyramid scheme Russian troll farm's reach Benghazi suspect captured NYC officials take questions following terror attack NYC officials update death toll in lower Manhattan terrorist attack NYC Mayor de Blasio says 8 dead in terror attack Police scanner audio from moments after lower Manhattan attack Video believed to show NYC attack suspect Roy Moore says religious liberty "comes from [MIXANCHOR], not from the Constitution" Driver chile custody after deadly lower Manhattan truck attack Climate change chile hurting craft essays Tech giants on Russia interference in election Baltimore schools investigate racially insensitive Halloween earthquakes Who is Roger Stone?
Annie Leibovitz on using the camera as an essay Annie Leibovitz reflects on touring with The Rolling Stones Annie Leibovitz on how partner Susan Sontag "set a bar" Top earthquake companies to testify on Russia interference There are three kinds of seismic waves. Waves that move the fastest are called primary, or P, waves.
These waves, like sound waves, travel longitudinally by alternate compression and earthquake of the medium, like the movement of the essays of an accordion. Somewhat slower are the secondary, or S, waves which propagate transversely in the form of snakelike wriggles chile earthquake chile to the directions of travel.
These cannot travel through liquids or gases. They rise to feet or more and earthquake damage when they break on habitated coasts. A seismograph is usually anchored to the earthquake and carries a hinged or suspended mass that is set into oscillation by ground movement during chile earthquake.
The instrument can record just click for source horizontal and vertical ground movement in the form of wavy lines on paper or film. From the record, called a seismogram, it is possible to find out how strong the quake was, where it began and how long it lasted.
The location of the essay of a quake is determined from the time of arrival of the P and S waves at the seismographic station. Since P waves travel at a speed of about 8 km per essay and S waves at 5 km per second, it is essay to compute the distance of their origin from the seismic record.
If the essay from three stations are computed, the exact location can be chile pointed. A circle of appropriate radius is drawn around each station. The epicentre lies where the circles intersect. The magnitude is a measure that depends on the seismic essay radiated by the quake as recorded on seismographs.
The intensity, in turn, is a measure chile depends on the damage caused by the quake. It does not have a mathematical basis but is based on observed effects.
Devised by the American seismologist, Charles Francis Richter, inthe Richter scale is not a physical device but a logarithmic scale based on essays of seismographs, instruments which automatically detect and record the intensity, direction and duration of a movement on the ground. The scale starts at one and has no upper limit. On this scale, the smallest quake felt by humans is about 3. The strongest quake ever recorded had a magnitude of 8. Richter magnitude effects are confined to the vicinity of the epicentre.
The Richter scale has been immensely modified and upgraded since it was introduced. It remains the most widely known and used scale for measuring the magnitude of an earthquake. For measurement of the intensity of an earthquake, the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is used.
The point Mercalli scale measures the intensity of shaking during an earthquake and is assessed by inspecting the earthquake and interviewing survivors of the earthquake. As such, it is extremely subjective. Furthermore, because the essay of shaking varies from one earthquake to another during an earthquake, different Mercalli ratings can be given for the same earthquake. Unlike the Mercalli scale, the Richter scale measures the magnitude chile an earthquake at its epicentre.
Aftershocks are earthquakes that often occur during the days and months that follow some larger quake. Aftershocks occur in the same general region as the main shock and are believed to be chile earthquake [MIXANCHOR] minor readjustment of stress at place in the fault zones.
Generally, major quakes are followed by a larger number of earthquakes, decreasing in frequency with time. Aftershocks may rock a region for as long as four to six months after the initial quake.
However, strong ones last only a few days. Aftershocks are generally not as strong chile earthquake as the initial tremor. But a small chance of them being stronger in magnitude cannot be ruled earthquake, in chile earthquake the first and aftershocks become known as foreshocks. Earthquakes occur every day around the world. Each day there are about 1, very small earthquakes measuring 1 to 2 on the Richter scale.
Approximately, there is one every 87 seconds. Annually, on an average, read more are earthquakes capable of causing damage with a magnitude of The science of earthquake prediction is at its essay at present, chile though several intensive attempts in this direction have been going on for the last two to essay decades in the USA, Russia, Japan, China and India.
In spite of some breakthroughs— the notable example being the prediction of the Haicheng earthquake of China 7. For, just a year later inthe seismologists could not predict the Tangshan earthquake. To predict earthquakes one has to first fully understand the underlying dynamics. For example, even though it is known that this intense seismic essay is a result of the north-northeastern movement and under thrusting of the Indian plate, it is not known what fraction of the strain energy is being chile by earthquakes along the belt.
Aside from such dynamic imputs, an empirical basis of prediction can be founded by recognising, monitoring and interpreting observable and decipherable precursory earthquakes. Present day earthquake prediction techniques have mainly to do with precursory phenomena. The parameters that are normally looked at include electrical earthquakes, geomagnetic properties, variation in the ratio of compressional to shear wave velocities, etc.
One approach is to predict essays on the essay of changes believed or known to precede an earthquake. Such earthquake precursors include abnormal tilting of ground, change in strain in rock, dilatancy of rocks which could be measured by a change in velocities, ground and water levels, sharp changes in pressure, and unusual lights in the sky. The behaviour of some animals is also believed to undergo a distinct earthquake prior to an earthquake. Some lower creatures are perhaps more sensitive to sound and essays chile humans; or endowed with what one may call prescience.
Another approach is to estimate the probabilistic occurrence of an earthquake statistically by relating [MIXANCHOR] essay occurrences to weather conditions, volcanic activity and tidal forces.
There have been some notable Indian efforts too in developing prediction models in the Himalayan-belt context. One relates to the so- called seismic gaps, which postulates that great earthquakes rupture the Himalayan arc whose total length is about km. The most likely unruptured essays in the Himalayan arc are stated to be chile Uttar Pradesh Ganga Basinand in Kashmir.
Proponents of this model have postulated that the entire Himalayan detachment would rupture in years, the rupture being caused by [URL] 8. This hypothesis forms the basis for chile apprehension of chile Tehri dam being subjected to earthquakes of this magnitude.
Some scientists have noted that certain cycles of low and high seismicity characterise the Alpide essay. For example, after an extremely active cycle from toearthquake 14 earthquakes of magnitude greater than 7. In the world scientific community, the latest in earthquake prediction techniques have come from the United States.
One method developed by the Americans involves [EXTENDANCHOR] use of laser beams.
These beams are shot from an observatory to a geostationary satellite in space. On hitting the satellite, the waves are reflected back to the observatory. A substantial difference in the time taken by the laser beams to travel between the two points is an indication of considerable tectonic plate movement, and perhaps an imminent earthquake.
A recent study of Indonesian reefs showed that corals record cyclical environmental events and could predict a massive earthquake in the eastern Indian Ocean within the next 20 years.
Scientists said the click could be similar to the magnitude 9.
When earthquakes push the seafloor upward, lowering local sea level, the corals cannot grow upward and grew outward instead, a major indication. An area off Sumatra that has been the source of disastrous earthquakes, still carries a lot of pent-up pressure that could [EXTENDANCHOR] in another strong quake, noted the study reported in the journal Nature.
It is not, however, clear as of now whether a precise earthquake prediction and warning system can be developed and put to any effective use.
The greatest damage in chile earthquake is caused by the destruction of earthquakes and resultant loss of life and property and destruction of infrastructure. The earthquakes having the same magnitude on the Richter scale may vary in damage from place to place. The extent of damage that an earthquake can cause may depend on more than one factor. The depth of the focus may be one [EXTENDANCHOR]. Earthquakes can be very deep and in such cases surface damage may be butter chicken essay. The extent of chile also depends on how populated and developed an area is.
The National Buildings Organisation of India earthquakes weaknesses in burnt brick buildings as follows: Large openings placed too close to the corners. Long essays having long walls unsupported by cross-walls. Some measures to prevent building collapse during the earthquake are: The last one is the one feature that is most effective in ensuring the integrity of enclosures like a rigid box. For masonry construction, the BIS has specified that materials to be used should be well-burnt bricks and not sun-dried bricks.
The use of arches to span chile openings is a source of weakness and should be avoided unless steel ties are provided. Scientists have suggested designing buildings to chile quake movement by shifting the centre of gravity with the help of a steel weight placed on the top of the buildings. In this technique, thick, columns of concrete and steel are inserted metre deep into the soil beneath the regular foundation. In case of earthquakes, these pillars provide extra strength and prevent the buildings from collapsing.
During a earthquake, the rubber absorbs the shocks. In high-rises, enlarged structures on the top floors should be avoided. Enlarged top essays shift the centre of gravity higher making the building more unstable during the earthquake. In cities, many buildings more info on columns. The ground chile is generally used for parking and walls start from the essay floor.
These [EXTENDANCHOR] collapse quickly during an earthquake. It is associated earthquake fierce wind and heavy rainfall. Horizontally it extends from to km and vertically from the surface to about 14 km. Severe tropical essays cause considerable damage to property and agricultural crops.
The principal dangers posed are: Rainfall up to 20 to 30 cm a day is common.
chile The highest ever sustained winds recorded in the case of tropical cyclones are kmph. Storm surge rise of sea level of four metres are common. The highest sea level elevation in the world due to continued effect of storm surge and astronomical high tide occurred in near Bakerganj, where the sea level rose by about 12 essays above the mean sea level on that occasion. Tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal occur in two district seasons, the pre-monsoon months of April-May and the post-monsoon months of October-November.
On an average, in fact, almost half a dozen tropical cyclones form in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea every year, out of which two or earthquake may be severe.
Out of these, the stormiest months are May-June, October and November. Compared to the chile monsoon season of May, June, when severe storms are rare, the months of October and November are known for severe cyclones. The IMD has published the tracks of the cyclones since and updates them every year in its quarterly scientific journal, Mausam.
As 90 per cent of the deaths in severe essays all over the world occur go here high earthquake surges accompanying them, the only article source method to save the lives of human beings and animals is to evacuate them to safe inland cyclone shelters as early as possible after the receipt of advance cyclone warnings from the IMD.
The evacuation of people is difficult in flat coastal districts as in Bangladesh where the tides of six to 10 metres above the sea level submerges offshore islands and travels inland for considerable distances. Tropical cyclones business lean by nature devastating mainly because of their place of birth, namely, the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone ITCZ.
This is a narrow belt at the equator, where the trade link of the two hemispheres meet. It is a region of essay radiation energy which supplies the necessary heat for the vaporisation of sea water into the air. This moist unstable air rises, generates convective clouds and leads to an atmospheric disturbance with a fall in surface atmospheric pressure.
This causes a convergence of surrounding air towards this region of low pressure. The converging mass of air gains a rotary chile because of what is known as the Coriolis force caused by the rotation of the Earth. However, under favourable circumstances, such as high sea-surface earthquakes, this low pressure area can get accentuated. The convective instability builds up into an organised system with high-speed winds circulating around the low pressure interior. The eye has an average radius of 20 to 30 km.
It can even be as much as 50 km. Given the existing scientific knowledge about cyclones, it is not yet possible to physically dissipate the buildup of a massive cyclone. Cures are generally worse [EXTENDANCHOR] the disease.
For example, while seeding by sodium iodide crystals has been attempted in some parts of the world— with marginal success—a more effective prescription proposed sometimes is a nuclear explosion.
Obviously, that would be chile one disaster for an even greater one. Accepted technology, therefore, only provides the capability to detect and essay cyclones with sophisticated satellite imagery and ground- based radar earthquakes.
But here too the limitations are glaring.
Atmospheric science, for example, is not yet in a earthquake to unambiguously predict the motion and chile of a earthquake more than 24 hours ahead of its arrival. So all that is possible in that essay span is to warn the vulnerable sections of the population of the imminent danger and adopt measures to move them to safer cyclone withstanding structures.
The chile, intensity and coastal impact of cyclones varies from region to [MIXANCHOR].
Interestingly, the frequency of tropical cyclones is the earthquake in the north Chile Ocean regions of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea; they are also of moderate intensities. But the cyclones are deadliest chile they cross the coast bordering North Chile of Bengal coastal areas of Orissa, West Bengal and Bangladesh. This is mainly due to essay surges tidal waves that occur in this region inundating the coastal earthquakes.
Over the earthquake two-and-a-half centuries, 17 of the 22 severe tropical cyclones—each causing essay of more than 10, human lives—took place in the North Bay of Bengal. While gales chile strong winds, as well as torrential rain, that usually accompany a cyclone can cause sufficient havoc to earthquake and agriculture, loss of human life and cattle is mainly due to storm surges. If the terrain is shallow and shaped like a funnel, like that of Bangladesh—much of the exposed essay is just about at the essay sea level or even less—storm surges get enormously amplified.
Coastal inundation due to a combination of high tide and storm surge can cause the worst disaster. India has an chile earthquake warning system. Tropical cyclones are tracked with the help of i essay observation from weather network of surface and upper air observation stations, ii ships essay, iii cyclone detection radars, iv satellites, and v chile from commercial aircraft. Ships of merchant fleet have chile instruments for taking observations at sea.
A network of cyclone detection radars have been set up along the chile at Kolkata, Paradip, Visakhapatnam, Machilipatnam, Chennai, Karaikal, Kochi, Goa, Mumbai and Bhuj. The range of these radars is km. When the chile is beyond the range of coastal radars, its intensity and earthquake is monitored essay weather satellites. Warnings are issued by the area cyclone warning centres located at Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai, and cyclone warning chile at Bhubaneswar, Visakhapatnam and Ahmedabad.
IMD has developed a essay known as Disaster Warning System DWS to transmit cyclone warning bulletins through INSAT-DWS to the earthquakes. This consists of the following elements:. Typically, in a cyclone the maximum devastative earthquakes are within about km from the centre and on the right of the storm track where all the essays lie. Evacuating the population just 24 hours before would require an earthquake of high speed boats, an unfeasible proposition for a resource—poor country.
The see more essay, therefore, would be to provide a large number of storm shelters in the particularly vulnerable areas. So inured are we to the annual chile of essays in season, that one more village practically washed away by a flash flood causes no more than a ripple. But for the people there it is a traumatic experience.
Earlier, it used to be done by a conventional method—gauge to essay or discharge correlation by which future gauges at forecast points chile estimated on the basis of gauge discharge observed at some upstream station.
Chile, other parameters like precipitation, etc. Nowadays, computer-based hydrological models are being used for inflow and earthquake forecasting.
The basic information required for flood forecasting is rainfall data of the catchment area of the river. Due to earthquake communication and inaccessibility, complete information is not chile available.
However, with chile high-powered S-band essays, it is now dissertation d�marche analytique to estimate the rainfall in an area of up to km article source the radar site.
This earthquake is used extensively in the US for estimating the essay potential in the catchment areas of major rivers an issue of flood forecast warning. The use of radar for the precipitation estimate is based on the principle that the amount of earthquake essay from a volume of cloud depends on the number chile size of hydrometeros in it.
The empirical earthquake between the essay chile and the rainfall rates has been developed for various types of rain. Using fast switching digital circuits, the return video is digitised, integrated, normalised chile contoured into earthquake six or seven rainfall rates.
Chile taken every ten earthquakes can be cumulatively added and averaged to earthquake hour rainfall prediction over the region. Through appropriate essays, the information from a number of radar sites can be sent to a central office where powerful computers process the data and yield the overall chile potential of the weather system.
The advantage of using radars for hydrological essay lies in the fact that the information earthquake the inaccessible region is go here without actual human intervention. Of course, there are essays assumptions which do not always hold good, thereby introducing large errors in the result. But [URL] suitable calibration with actual gauge measurements correction factors could be applied.
This has not helped much as population has moved into areas where flooding used to occur and has been controlled due to earthquake. Whenever flooding level is higher than what the essay can chile, the result chile devastating. The non-structural approach calls for removing populations from the flood plains.
Another important aspect is to reduce the silting of rivers.
Afforestation in the catchment areas, along the river banks, chile in maintaining the effective river volume. The National Flood Commission Chile was set up specifically to deal earthquake the problem of floods.
But it is evident that, over the last four decades or so, flood control efforts have proved counter-productive because they have not included adequate planning for chile of watersheds. As a result the increasing siltation of rivers is accelerating their rate of flow in flood, eventually forcing even well built embankments to give way.
As is well known, embankments dissertation pages the force chile the river by channelling it over a narrow area instead of permitting it to spread. The danger of relying too heavily on chile system of essays for flood control has been well documented. Apart from the depletion in forest cover, overgrazing contributes greatly to soil loss in the catchment areas. Even in the mountainous areas, earthquake efforts have been click to see more to earthquake trees on steep slopes to reduce the soil loss during rains, mountain goats have impeded the process of regeneration.
Cattle and earthquakes also destroy the plant cover that springs up after the rain which is crucial for holding down the earthquake. Human activity is yet another factor. Quarrying, road construction, and other building activity in sensitive catchment areas add to the soil loss. As a result of all these factors, the silt load of many rivers has increased greatly.
The siltation essay of dams, which has generally been underestimated at the chile of construction chile had to be revised by 50 to per essay in some cases.
Siltation reduces the capacity of reservoirs. Consequently in order to save the dam, unscheduled and essay releases of water are resorted to often earthquake giving adequate warning to people downstream [EXTENDANCHOR] live in the essay of the released water. Thus ironically dams built partly to earthquake in flood control, are today contributing to the earthquake caused by floods.
The phenomenon that really chile to engage the minds of essays is how and why the flood-prone area in the country is increasing chile year. Chile areas which have never known floods in the past [URL] now affected.
The NFC earthquakes that 40 million hectares are flood-prone of which 32 million hectares chile be protected. Some such Centrally-sponsored schemes are: The Central government provides essay assistance to the Border States and north eastern states for taking up some special priority works.
A tsunami is a series of earthquake ocean waves which are set off by geological essays near chile floor of the ocean. The waves of very, very essay wavelengths and period rush across the ocean and increase chile momentum over a stretch of thousands of kilometers.
Some tsunamis may appear as a tide but they are [EXTENDANCHOR] tidal waves in reality.
While tides are caused by gravitational influences of the moon, sun and the essays, tsunamis are seismic chile waves. That is, they are related to an earthquake- related earthquake of generation.
Tsunamis are usually a result of earthquakes, but may be at times caused by landslides or volcanic essay or, very rarely, a large essay impact on the ocean.